I_ll try to add my two cents.
The blue rectangle is 15 mm on top, so I will estimate that the green plate is 45 mm by 45 mm. You can have only a single thread through the anchor device at the black plate.
Can you put more structure on the top green plate? I envision two small posts and, for finishing, a cleat or small screw clamp.
Definitions: I will call the holes in the green plate A and B. The perpendicular bisector of line segment AB divides green plate in two: side A includes hole A, same for B. There will be a post associated with hole A (called post A); same with B.
For working space, I want post B as far from hole B as I can get. So I would put post B on side A, and post A on side B. Hopefully, this would provide about 25 mm or more between hole and post.
I would take the line coming out of hole A, make a loop or noose (my choice would be a Double Dragon), and slip the loop over post A.
Then I would take the line coming out of hole B and start a trucker_s hitch with a loop close to hole B. There has been a lot of discussion here about the proper loop. I would use a Bell Ringer_s with a half-hitch lock. The Butterfly is a good possibility. I don_t know what it is like to work with 0.2 mm rope. After making this loop, take the line around post B, which is about 25 mm from hole B, back through the Bell Ringer loop, push down on the green plate, and take up the slack on the trucker_s hitch. Finish by wrapping the working end about the cleat, or lock with the small screw clamp.
You should review a picture or video of the trucker_s hitch to see how it works mechanically.
What do you think?