I believe that it is possible to escape copyright issues if we simply set up to mirror the publishing site, giving full attribution to the publisher / authors.
By mirroring the original site we reduce the load on the publisher server and at the same time safeguard the source material should the publisher go offline for any reason. The Wayback Machine operates in this manner, simply recording snapshots of valuable sites and safeguarding then against loss or change.
Of course, all this, no matter how valuable it might be to us knotters, is a little mute when our own database of posts is under constant threat of deletion or loss from crashes.
Perhaps we users could entreat the Council to spend a little of the coffers in commisioning someone to add all these listed materials to our own version of a wayback and add them to the library list, and while they are at it, consider putting up a mirror of our own forum to protect against deletions and losses?