So is it a Karash or a Fusion? Which one came first?
Mike Karash seems only to give credit to himself,
but my guess Monsieur Bence was first,
so Fusion.
It appears to me that Mr. Karash wants to put his signature
on the knot when used as part of a 3 point harness.
Contacting the source(s) should shed more light on this matter.
"Hunter's Bend" was published as
"Rigger's Bend"by Phil Smith (who claims to have discovered it for himself)
prior to Edward's discovering it for himself and gaining
publicity (prior to which, I, too, discovered it; I now thus
call it
"Butterfly" was known in some places as
"lineman's loop"prior to Wright & Magowan's publicizing it to mountaineers,
and then at some later point "alpine" was tossed in as
a prefix by some others, for decoration (there is no
"alpine lineman's loop" though);
"Blake's hitch" was published by Heinz Prohaska some
decade plus prior to Jason Blake's discovering it; I don't
recall if Heinz had given it much of any name --oh,
some German-ish name that tickles my tongue (I now
like "ProhGrip").
Shall I continue?
I can attest to Mike Karash's presentation of that eye knot
seeking information about it, as his discovery, in 2000.
Absent any indication of it elsewhere, he proceeded to
publicize it and had it tested.
[edit to add ...]
I'm remiss in not citing prior discussion of this knot,
among American moles (cavers

) in CaveChat
--to wit:
In this thread --1st pg.--, Kip presents yet another
dbl-eye knot which is also TIB (tiable w/o ends), though
I had to tie it first WITH ends and then prove this to
myself by untying w/o (and it remains for me to now
do this in *slow-motion* to work out a TIB method).
(I see this knot as having the same vulnerability to
ring-loading that the
BotB showed, btw.)
And, re choosing a name, consider Mike's feelings :
"Karash" is a proud Polish family name ("Koresh" is Greek for "Cyrus").
I have 2 daughters and three granddaughters. My branch of the family name will end with me.
The knot name is a gift to them to remember and tell their children about.
