Here is a my new TIB bowline, tied on my new rope !
Of course, I am just kidding : The rope is not new, because it is just my orange rope turned into purple by
Picassa. The bowline is not new, because it is just a variation of
Braided bowline, with a doubled, cross-gartered collar ( = X-collar ). It s TIB-ness is not unexpected : in fact, it should be pretty obvious to any knot tyer who has understood the "haltering the collar" concept/method ( applied by Ashley in many knots ). Imagine the same bowline with the pair of ends outside the cross-gartered collar(s) - then, you have just to reeve the whole knot though this collar/those collars ( which is the equivalent, topologically, to tuck the ends themselves through this collar(s) ). Last but not least, it is not "
my" new TIB bowline, because I have just connected the dots in front of me, and because
no knot
belongs to
any-body ( except, perhaps, to KnotGod, who, in His turn, belongs to God Himself !
There is no big difference of how the two legs of the collar will be crossed ( over/under or under/over ) - I had chosen this way because I think it makes some curves smoother. Also, I believe that there is no point to add yet another crossing "above" this first one, which I find adequate. If we feel that we should add something, that will be a second nipping turn, not a third collar ! There should better be an equilibrium, a balance between the two structures of the bowline, the "nipping structure" ( the knot tied on the Standing Part before the eye ) and the "collar structure" ( the knot tied on the Standing Part after the eye ).
See also :