Author Topic: Strangle collared bowlines  (Read 5944 times)


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Strangle collared bowlines
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:31:35 AM »
   Intrigued by the presentation of this nice, double-face bowline-like loop at (1), I would like to remind the Strangle collared "bowline(s)" I had tied - when and where I do not remember any more !  :) (See the attached pictures, for the knot s nubs of the two variations of this loop). It is possible to interweave a second nipping loop within this double collar structure the Strangle offers - one nipping loop wrapped around the higher and one around the lower bights of the Strangle - so we will get a very secure double nipping loop / double collar bowline. The same thing can be attempted around the second bight of the fig.8 knot-based collar structure of the bowline presented at (1). I can not say with certainty which one of the two double collar structures, the Strangle or the fig.8, is more secure, and which is more capable to retain the integrity of any double nipping structure interlinked with it. 



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Re: Strangle collared bowlines
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 10:00:08 PM »
Hi X1,

It is possible to interweave a second nipping loop within this double collar structure the Strangle offers - one nipping loop wrapped around the higher and one around the lower bights of the Strangle - so we will get a very secure double nipping loop / double collar bowline. The same thing can be attempted around the second bight of the fig.8 knot-based collar structure of the bowline presented at (1).

Is something similar to what I initially tried to imagine (as in the diagram below), or is it more like you've done in the Shape 8 Double bowline ( )? (or something else?)



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Re: Strangle collared bowlines
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 07:41:41 AM »
Is something similar to what I initially tried to imagine (as in the diagram below), or is it more like you've done in the Shape 8 Double bowline

  It is exactly what you have shown in your diagram !  :) I was not able to figure out something like this using the fig.8 knot ( it turned out that the segment of the rope between the two nipping loops could not match the perfectly symmetric shape of the fig.8 knot ), so I replaced it with the Shape 8 overhand knot, and tied the knot you mention.
  The problem with all those eyeknots is how the two separate nipping loops would remain close to each other. Regarding this, the knot you show is much better than the Shape 8 Double bowline.


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Re: Strangle collared bowlines
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2013, 02:04:53 AM »
Hi X1,

Thank you, I do not thought I had got it right!
I tried this basic pattern for the two nipping loops also "Clove hitch collaring" and "Constrictor knot collaring",but my feeling is that is just"Shape 8 Overhand collaring",that it is easier to get to shrink when it tightens the knot(another problem of these loops is perhaps also the oblique portion of the collar's rope(in green in the(off topic) diagram below),that tends to be a little too free to move).



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Re: Strangle collared bowlines
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2013, 03:06:19 AM »
the oblique portion of the collar's rope...that tends to be a little too free to move.

  That is why I had buried it there, in between the rims of the two nipping loops... ( At the knot you show, you can also pass it "under" the two "blue" oblique elements.) However, when the knot is tightened, I believe this "motion" is restricted, and it does not present a problem any more.
  Tie both knots, the one you show here and the other shown at (1), test them, and tell us which one you prefer. With the "8" shaped collar structure, which is not as tight as the Strangle, my concern is that, under heavy loading, the lower nipping loop will drag the tail, and "walk" away from the higher one. I prefer a knot that will remain as compact as possible.


