Author Topic: Wedding Knot  (Read 4204 times)


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Wedding Knot
« on: July 25, 2006, 09:16:48 PM »
On an other forum a new member, Karen, mentioned a wedding knot.
I asked for permission to publish here and got it, so here is all she said about it, in her own words with links to her own website.

You might be interested in the wedding knot my husband and I tied at our wedding.  We retie another one every year on our anniversary.  We decided if we can get through it without arguing we're on our way to another successful year.

I've just uploaded instructions to the wedding knot:
My husband made those instructions back in 1978.  We got the knot from a margin decoration in a songbook.  I can't remember the name of the book or even the song (it may have been "Amazing Grace"), so I don't know if someone has copyright on the design or not.  We figured out how to tie it and used it in our wedding.  WE joined the black and white strands together with a silver clasp, and then tied the knot with the two strands, as in the drawn design.   My sister tied a similar knot using the same design in her wedding too.  My husband said he would be honored if anyone else wanted to use it.  I may add these instructions to my website sometime, along with the words we said at our wedding about it.   We taked about he two strands being side-by-side, each taking turns curving about the other and protecting it, about the heart shapes that meet in the middle, and so on.  He wore the black cord around his waist prior to our tying the knot, and I wore the white one.  You are welcome to share this with anyone you think might be interested.

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Re: Wedding Knot
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 01:13:51 AM »

What an absolutely delightful story!  Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us - well done!



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Re: Wedding Knot
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2006, 03:57:08 PM »
Your "Wedding Knot" appears to be similar to ABOK 2262. At least the start of the knot is the same.  2262 is a two bight by five bight flat know, and yours is a two bight by two bight, but I think 2262 could be tied to produce the proper number of bights.

But, as we all know from the "Overs Index" discussion, just because it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, does not mean that it really is a duck?????
Jimmy R Williams - IGKTPAB Secretary/Treasurer


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Re: Wedding Knot
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2006, 02:25:01 PM »
true lovers knot .......kinda sums it up.
in gold


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Re: Wedding Knot
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2006, 03:30:15 PM »
Wow, so totally entertwined as won! ;)
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