page 518 of ABOK, the text concerning # 3114 and # 3115
Now that is interesting!
Good catch.
As I noted above,
ABOK shows Ashley's, er, flexibility
with using "half hitch" in conflicting ways --there is much
inconsistency, and one can find examples to support
either of the definitions he gives for it & "single hitch".
E.g., consider these:
#1474, #1671,#1681, #1725 ("2 b HH'd twice"), #2080,
#2095 (vs. #2094), #1709 (vs. #1708), & #1711.
As for that example of "how the <whatever> is formed",
in tying (to be) taut that is not how the rope-on-rope part
is formed; and of cases where it is --to my surmise
knots in the wild observations--, interestingly
it seems that the structure comprises a trio of such
workings, the first-formed of which puts the turn
into the structure's SPart, effectively making an eye knot!?
(My surmise is that this happens more by happenstance
than intent, as the use doesn't really call for or depend
on it being a fixed eye vs. a well-secured noose. Also,
the orientation of the structures I've seen will be of
granny/clove &
reef/reversed-hitches handedness.)