I believe I have, by now, read all that was written about everything "Double" in this Forum, including the "Double Dragon" - and I have tied the beast a number of times, on many materials ( this time correctly !

So, I can state my first opinion :
1. The Double Dragon is a fine, stable, secure, most probably quite strong, PET AND TIB loop - which is also pretty ! However, it seems that the duplication of the coil around its neck is really needed, and one may go as far as to say that it is
dictated : Without it, I am afraid that I would nt be able to say such good things as I have said about it in the previous sentence ! Therefore, this duplication hides / is an indication of, some
weakness..."Perfection" is never achieved through multiplication ! If it were a "perfect" knot, it would have been "perfect"
ab initio, and it would nt require an addition of an identical second element / coil , on top of a first. So, if something can be improved in the "Single" version, that means that the "Doubled" version can also be improved.
There is nothing wrong with something already very good, been improved further by duplication - but an already duplicated thing, that could have been improved by the improvisation of its single base, can not be a final "perfect" solution.
2. The Double Dragon is a fine, stable, secure, most probably quite strong, PET AND TIB loop - which is also pretty ! (bis). However, one should always compare apples to apples - hitches with the same number of wraps, for example, because, otherwise, a sufficiently large number of wraps would make any hitch obsolete !

So, we have to compare the " Double Dragon" to the Double nipping loop and/or the Double collar bowline-like loops - and I am afraid that this pretty beast will not survive in this evolutionary rcompetition !
When I examine a "Double Whatever" knot, I study it first in its Single version - because it can be reduced in this version by mistake or by accident ( the second / last collar can be pulled out of the nipping loop of a secure bowline, for example ). If I can improve the Single version, I do it, and then, and then only, I study the Double version. I believe that, in general, the Single Dragon can be improved - and that, in particular, the pet loop is a better PET AND TIB simple loop ( Although I wait, holding my breath, the presentation of DL s

So, The Double Dragon is a fine, stable, secure, most probably quite strong, PET AND TIB loop - which is also pretty, indeed (tris), no question about that...What interests me is if it is one of the best such "Doubled" loops ?
That is the question !