Author Topic: A simple TIB locked bowline  (Read 37686 times)


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #45 on: August 25, 2013, 02:11:35 PM »
   Congratulations, Alan Lee. Chapeau.
   That is a one hand - no fingers quick tying method of the overhand and the fig.8 knot !  :)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 02:26:43 PM by xarax »
This is not a knot.


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2013, 07:31:44 PM »
Hi Alan,

Thank you for the new videos! They are the proof that the various Bowlines can be achieved easily and quickly (and with a lot of style in your case!) even taking as the point of view the one that the majority of knot tyers consider as the rear view.
The only problem I point to you, is that,in the title of the penultimate video,you mistook the term "Eskimo", instead of the terms "Lefthanded" or "Cowboy" double Bowline.Also,next to the word "TIB"(which I would keep, so that it contributes to that the use of this acronym will spread), I would put the definition in full (tiable in the bight), because I think that unfortunately "TIB"have a meaning especially among users of this forum,and a few others,but if someone else is watching your videos, he will ask what it wants to mean(and I also wonder what is the meaning of "MVI Bowline"?).
These days I noticed that your admirable Kung Fu method for the common Bowline is good and fast even for the Dan Lehman's locked;the only two differences are that:1) one must start with a loop in the right hand, instead of the bight that you form in your video (EDIT: I noticed that the second method for the Double Bowline  shown in this video  is exactly the same method, and is shown more clearly: the only difference is the "doubling" of the simple turn that will form the nipping turn) ,and 2) at the time to bring the bights one inside the other to exchange their positions,it must exclude the tail from being involved in this operation ,as instead is the case during the formation with this method of the common Bowline. As I'm sure I explained myself badly, then I attach some diagrams to show the two differences (at the risk of further worsen the situation!).
As always,I admire your imagination with regard knots and methods for their execution, and your style as performer.


« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 04:00:32 PM by Luca »


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2013, 12:29:58 AM »

Hi All, 

Thanks you very much  for the comment Xarax and Luca.

Luca, the title of the video (TIB locked double & eskimo bowline)what I mean the first loop is TIB locked double bowline,the second loop is TIB locked eskimo bowline.

May be I should rename it as   (TIB locked Lefthanded double bowline and TIB locked eskimo bowline). and also explain what is meaning of the word TIB in the description.

MVI is the typ of video fomat of my camera, just forget to erase it .

Please let me know if it is wrong again.
謝謝   alan lee


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2013, 02:40:42 AM »
Hi Alan,

Yes, in fact only now I notice that the second loop in your video,even if the knot's nub (on which I was too focused)is like that of a locked Double Bowline,the standing part is actually exchanged,and must say that this actually changes everything: this loop is no longer a Locked Bowline, but in this way it becomes a loop with a nipping structure similar to the crossing knot as well as in the Eskimo Bowline:I apologize to you for not having noticed before.
However, although under this aspect similar to the Eskimo, I personally would tend to consider this loop as another knot,maybe more similar to as if it were a variant of ABoK #1051( ),rather than a locked variant of the Eskimo.

MVI is the typ of video fomat of my camera, just forget to erase it .

Who knows what I had imagined! ::) :D
                                                                                                        Thank you,bye!

« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 02:43:03 AM by Luca »


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2013, 05:26:08 AM »
Hi Alan,

Thank you for the new videos! They are the proof that the various Bowlines can be achieved easily and quickly (and with a lot of style in your case!) even taking as the point of view the one that the majority of knot tyers consider as the rear view.
The only problem I point to you, is that,in the title of the penultimate video,you mistook the term "Eskimo", instead of the terms "Lefthanded" or "Cowboy" double Bowline.Also,next to the word "TIB"(which I would keep, so that it contributes to that the use of this acronym will spread), I would put the definition in full (tiable in the bight), because I think that unfortunately "TIB"have a meaning especially among users of this forum,and a few others,but if someone else is watching your videos, he will ask what it wants to mean(and I also wonder what is the meaning of "MVI Bowline"?).
These days I noticed that your admirable Kung Fu method for the common Bowline is good and fast even for the Dan Lehman's locked;the only two differences are that:
 As I'm sure I explained myself badly, then I attach some diagrams to show the two differences (at the risk of further worsen the situation!).

And indeed you did --further worsen the situation,
alas : the nipping loop is wrong-sided, at the very
least, and your diagrams lead to a noose!  --got
the over/under of the crossing point reversed.
(Is nOnElse looking at these?!)



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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2013, 07:15:52 AM »
           Hi Dan and All,
           I am not quiet follow what you said, I have Luca's diagram and Xarax's picture at reply#11 here, they are the same loop,         
          謝謝   alan lee
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 07:31:27 AM by eric22 »


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2013, 01:58:58 PM »

(Is nOnElse looking at these?!)


Yes indeed, som0ne(s) else is looking at these and even tying them.
Taking Luca's drawing and performing the tie as shown the knot can take a few different dressings, including a noose, but I have arrived at a fixed loop with other manipulations. As with other TIB loops (other knots as well), careful execution is required.



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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2013, 03:11:39 PM »
Hi Dan,

Maybe my diagrams above are more incomprehensible than I thought, but I can assure that they are correct;I do not know if my use of the arrows can lead to some mistake, but to me seem that at,least roughly,are correct even the arrows.
Please,take a look at this video  ,which,starting from 0:26,shows a simple variation of the original method,in order to obtain a Double Bowline,and everything should be clearer: applying instead the two changes mentioned above,you get something very similar to the illustration of ABoK # 1037 of which xarax wrote in one of the previous posts,but with SPart/tail inverted and without the twist of the upper loop.
Doing a"knothematical"calculus,#1037 - 1(twist) = #1036, and if one backflip the upper(but no twisted,to obtain #1036) loop in the illustration of  #1037, obtains the identical shape of the knot's nub of the Single Bowline on the Bight.



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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #53 on: September 04, 2013, 04:57:57 AM »

(Is nOnElse looking at these?!)


Yes indeed, som0ne(s) else is looking at these and even tying them.
Oh, then I was safer from shame were this not so!
   :-[      ::)

Taking Luca's drawing and performing the tie as shown the knot can take a few different dressings, including a noose, but I have arrived at a fixed loop with other manipulations. As with other TIB loops (other knots as well), careful execution is required.
Maybe my diagrams above are more incomprehensible than I thought, but I can assure that they are correct;I do not know if my use of the arrows can lead to some mistake, but to me seem that at,least roughly,are correct even the arrows.
Well, in my defence, I'll say that there is at
least the seed of error in the arrow that
directs one to draw the lower bight through
the upper one, upwards --for that undoes
the turNip and leads to a noose.

What is wanted is simply making the full,
as I like to call it, "backflip" with the upper
bight around not only the lower bight (which
constitutes the eye) but everything, then
settling qua collar.  Given others' incredulity
at my own, I re-tried and immediately saw
that, yes, the first bight-tucking was coming
on the side of the turNip to be "bowline"
and not "anti-bowline", and ... I got it.
But I do believe that an obvious following
of that upwards-directing arrow ought to
lead one astray (absent verbal guidance
about preserving the turNip and the full
passage of the "back flip") --you all are wrong
for getting it right!  ;D

NOW, one way to discover *new knots* is
to make mistakes tying known ones :
 so, seeing my assertion that the turNip
should have a reversed crossing point
--which in my cursory consideration seemed
   to give a decent start, preserving it upon the
   raising of the lower bight--,
I tried this, and got something that struggles
to keep the turNip from *helixing* into
straightness, but which can then take on
a collar around the SPart to stabilize it.
(X.'s "proper collar", so to speak).  It looks
workable, sufficient (among the gazillions
of eye knots we have available).

.:.  moral : Shoot first, and make discoveries later.



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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2013, 12:50:50 AM »

Here is a diagram (it's really ugly!) of a variation of the DL locked Bowline;is very similar to some locked bowlines shown in this post and in the following,but the final passes of the working end,personally in this case lead me to post it in this thread rather than in the thread of the Scott's locked Bowline.Adds something?


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2013, 10:40:36 PM »
Hi All, 
       This trip I have to work few more weeks longer then usual, another two more week then I can go hame and make the video. sorry for waiting.
      謝謝   alan lee

    --- Sorry I reply in wrong topic, should be( Figure out an easy TIB tying method for Scott s locked TIB )---

« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 11:32:16 PM by eric22 »


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Re: A simple TIB locked bowline
« Reply #56 on: January 15, 2017, 03:23:34 AM »
Hi All,
         This topic  discuss about A simple TIB locked bowline, many of our members included me have show some of thier way to tie few of the TIB  bowline , after all the exchange, I believe all of us improve our skill to tie knots.
         These days I tie a lots knots using hand wrapping method, a lots of time this hand wrapping method can turn into one continuous motion to tie the knot, I have a few photos here, all these TIB loops can be tie in one continuous motion.
          謝謝   alan lee

