And, typical of such traced knots, there is no indication of orientation of the traced parts (commonly this is left to chance or imagination for the fig.8 eye & end-2-end knots).
Oh, no, that was my fault, because I used a small part of the screen,
in order to show the knot in a greater scale. In SS picture, the Working ends are indicated.
See Ryply #1, and (1).
However, in this particular two-line stopper,
the relative positions of the ends would not be of much importance , I believe...
and, at any case, not of such importance as in the Fig.8 eyeknot(s).
I remain skeptical : even if we have a clear indication
of ends in the image, there is (1) question as to whether
this image is accurate in presenting (a) what the author
intends, and (b) the best orientation (--is it even known?!),
and (2) the orientation of the twin parts in their passage
through the knot is often not so clear or seemingly
--if crossing, etc.-- desirable. Angling knots are among
the worst, I surmise because they are manifest in such
small AND translucent material as to be hard to discern,
and in this fiddly material hard to dress-&-set "just so" !?
You might be right about how much this matters, here;
but it would be better to have some test data to bolster
this belief. (Which data maybe would not be of this knot,
but of others with like bendings and from that some good
idea of how certain materials respond, to inform our