Hello 75RR.
I do climb.
I climb and abseil every chance I can make.
My family (some) and friends climb with me. I certainly can trust them. ;-)))
I have taught most of them their knotting and I have keen eyes to the ones who I have not taught.
My tie in knot has become the bowline with the single lock I presented in the "simple lock for the bowline" thread.
I have also climbed using the Braided Bowline composite loop knot. It meets the criteria as well.
I can certainly see if either is properly tied because I know them.
This quandary of easy-to-check if a knot is properly tied is based on whether someone knows how to tie it in the first place, right?
Just about any knot can be tied poorly. That said, I think it behooves a person ,who cares not to hit the ground detrimentally so, to learn their knots and if they do they will be able to inspect it and know it is tied correctly.
One of the challenges, maybe you'll do the honors of aiding with your good illustrations here, is to see the knot correctly in the dressed and snug view. Both sides mind you.

I have seen many Fig 8 loops sloppy as heck at the crags and have called it out to the climber. Sometimes they care and fix it up and sometimes I hear "That's how I always tie it. No problem mate.". They continue to live by the grace of the knot-gods.

My climbing cohorts use the simple locked bowline (one doesn't,,,, yet

) and feel secure with it based on its performance. Yes, there have been whippers, nothing extreme, but 12 feet can feel pretty far while off the ground 75+ feet.
I am not promoting it, per se, I am stating that I personally find it meets the criteria. Others may visit the Forum and see the info and decide to work with it and determine if it meets their needs or desires.
As another thread indicates, people are subject to stay with the status quo, perhaps with good reasons or not.
It is their choice.
I like to experiment and explore for the sake of the knowledge gained and thrill of it.
Regardless if I know which is the front or a back.