Did you miss this one xarax?
Well, I see a Gleipnir variant, which is TIB.
No, I am not sooo old and forget sooo quickly as someoneElse is/does !
Has it been noted that if the double constrictor (#1252) is brought off of the object and laid riding-turns-down on a table,
folding the out turns back down and (lifting off of the table) then brought together (180deg from their c. orientation) so that the 3rd/central turn remains pointing up, that one has then a gleipnir version!?
Wow, if I could just change my names, I could have
here a compliment to myself there !!! --Hey, that
DL character is clearly before
his time!!

Well, <sigh>, so it goes. Sometimes I do catch myself
about to record a long-ago (or not-so-long-ago) already
recorded *new* knot. After all, my familiarity with such
novelty often comes on-the-fly and with a duration of use
matching the suddenness of discovery --and not with
some new-for-use structure that builds memory.
(SOMEtimes, it is interesting to contrast the *paths*
in which I arrived at the discovery.)
I must say : that X. character has some kind of amazing
seek-&-find ability!!