Dear Barry, The "Triptease" is marketed by REI in the US and is a guy line for tents, however it is Kevlar or Spectra with a propritary reflective strand braided throughout, said reflective stuff being made by 3M corp under the name "Scotchlite" or "Scotchbright" (I've tossed the packaging). Since I don't use it in any application where the Kevlar is an advantage then the flecked cord you linked us to might just be the ticket. One thing about the Kevlar, it makes the end product of your knotting last.... well, I don't know how long.... far longer than I'll live. It also is very destructive of the edge on your favorite knife, so I cut it with a junk knife. It even ruined my fingernail clippers. Wire cutters might be in order! :-/