Author Topic: Triptease  (Read 12525 times)


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« on: January 30, 2005, 12:01:56 AM »
Hello everybody,
Reading older entry's I came across 3M Triptease, the reflective cord. Using Google I could only find it for sale in the USA.

Does any body know of a suplier in England or the Netherlands?
It seems the string I have wanted for years.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
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Re: Triptease
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 08:02:15 AM »
What is the point of a world wide orginazation if we can't help each other?  The stuff is dreadfully expensive, anywhere in the world.  I've two THK's on my walking staff, which if I hold it horizontally look like cat's eyes to vehicles!  I'v some more on "key guards" (which inspired the whole thing, after I lost a key).  I think one of us could order the blessed stuff from the US supplier and send the portions via snail mail to other interested tyers.  My THK on the walking staff have lost some of the reflective power (AFTER ONLY 6 YEARS.... SO YOU DECIDE).  The Kevlar part of the stuff is far more durable than the reflective 3M stuff.  I wish I could post my old film photo's... the cat's eyes on my staff are like flash bulbs.  I've driven past my staff and you really need to rethink what your headlights tell you!!!!!!! ::)


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 04:08:48 PM »
 ;DHi Willeke & Roy,

I have just the link you maybe looking for, See Below:

This is a link to Point North Fabrics, based in the UK. I have bought fabric from them before and they seem quite reliable.
The reflective cord is at the bottom of the page.

Take care,
Barry ;)


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2005, 04:56:45 PM »
Hello Barry,
While I am pleased with the cord you found for me, and I am going to order it, it is not the triptease we were talking about. That is a yellow string that will light up like the reflectife stripes on safety vests.
So I keep looking.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
nor what a clever person can do with simple tools." - Ian Fieggen

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Re: Triptease
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2005, 10:21:52 PM »
Dear Barry,  The "Triptease" is marketed by REI in the US and is a guy line for tents, however it is Kevlar or Spectra with a propritary reflective strand braided throughout, said reflective stuff being made by 3M corp under the name "Scotchlite" or  "Scotchbright" (I've tossed the packaging).  Since I don't use it in any application where the Kevlar is an advantage then the flecked cord you linked us to might just be the ticket.  One thing about the Kevlar, it makes the end product of your knotting last.... well, I don't know how long.... far longer than I'll live.  It also is very destructive of the edge on your favorite knife, so I cut it with a junk knife.  It even ruined my fingernail clippers.  Wire cutters might be in order! :-/


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2005, 12:03:29 AM »
I am on the knotchat now and there are a few there who will want to try it too, I think I like the basic colour yellow better than black for my initial purpose, savety on the road.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
nor what a clever person can do with simple tools." - Ian Fieggen

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Re: Triptease
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2005, 09:43:53 PM »
Dear Barry,  The "Triptease" is marketed by REI in the US and is a guy line for tents, however it is Kevlar or Spectra with a propritary reflective strand braided throughout, said reflective stuff being made by 3M corp under the name "Scotchlite" or  "Scotchbright"  :-/

Hi Roy & Willeke,
The cord from point north also has refletive 3M strands braided through it, though the cord is black polyprop rather than yellow Spectra. you can buy this stuff at most out door/ camping stores as tent Guyline but it only comes in short lengths of about 3 meters.

I am sure you can also get reflective piping cord as used in cycling gear that might be worth while for road safety projects.



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Re: Triptease
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2005, 09:39:24 PM »
For those people who have followed this bit, Roy send me some string from the states and I have made turks head knots with it, for round the arms of my coat. I have also ordered the alternative string Barry found but the supplier was out of stock and I will have to wait till March till they have a new lot.
The photos can be seen at and the photos around it. More photos will be added when the other string comes in.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
nor what a clever person can do with simple tools." - Ian Fieggen

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roy chapman

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Re: Triptease
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 05:28:44 AM »
Hi Willeke,  Thanks for making the photo's available.  I keep telling folks about this stuff but now they can see for themselves.  I want to approach 3M and see if they offer the reflective stuff without the Kelty addition of Spectra.  One could add it to any braid or sinnet or worm a line with it.  Right now (well in a day or two) I am worming some neon yellow nylon with Triptease to make a belt for my 18 year old grand-daughter.  There isn't much a grandpappy can do that is "Way Cool" 8)  Your photo's really show off the product.  Maybe Kelty would like to send you a thank you coil. ::)


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 05:37:43 AM »
Hi, just to keep us all together, somehow PABPRES (International Guild of Knot Tyers-Pacific America's Branch President... aka PABPRES) forgot to "sign in" so became his most humble self... "roy chapman".  Trust me, I am still the arrogant guy you've been reading as "PABPRES".  I was playing around with the Triptease in the car headlights this evening... to see how much the rain cut down the effect... still pretty bright stuff, even when wet.


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2006, 05:37:20 AM »
I'm looking into getting somma this myself.  I was just at a search and rescue conference meeting and the team that was handling communications used this stuff to hoist the antennas up into the trees.  I was walking in the dark and the things reminded me of glowing chains.  (not sure why) The stuff sells for 15 bucks per 50 feet here in the us.

You can check the dealers on the international dealers page below, or you might be able to get the stuff by asking your local outdoors store to do a special order.

Kelty's web pages:
Kelty's official site
International Kelty dealers

BTW: do they have it sound like "striptease" on purpose? Subliminal messages anyone?  ;D



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Re: Triptease
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2006, 01:07:34 PM »
Thanks Tacoman,
I do have the triptease I was longing for by now, but it will help someone else I am sure.
Welcome to the site.

And of course the name is on purpose, who will forget a name like that.
I never would have thought it was strong enough to use for serious lifts but the specifics sound like it can be done. I use it for reflection strips on my wintercoat.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
nor what a clever person can do with simple tools." - Ian Fieggen

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Re: Triptease
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2006, 04:29:34 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome Willeke.  I did see the picture of your coat.  Glad that at least someone wears bright clothing at night!   ;D (I just forgot rhat since you had the picture, you had also found the stuff...  D'oh!)

For the antenna hoist, two strands were used for each antenna, which comes out to 376 pounds of strength (a darn sight more than I can get out of my current p-cord).  The antennas were quite effectively counterweighted with small logs (bigger than you would use for a fire, of course), so I don't get the impression that the antennas were very heavy.



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Re: Triptease
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2006, 07:00:04 AM »
not the triptease cord, not a UK supplier, i've been eyeing this yarn from Textura Trading for a long time.

a reflective yarn that one imagines could be plied into cords or ropes:

there is a version with a dissolving binder which is out of stock, but if you page down past the pictures there is a "slit yarn" which is not marked out of stock.


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Re: Triptease
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2006, 06:58:52 AM »
Bring to the top.

"Never underestimate what a simple person can do with clever tools,
nor what a clever person can do with simple tools." - Ian Fieggen

Writer of A booklet on lanyards, available from IGKT supplies.