This knot has been bouncing around a couple of sailing forums under the name "Estar". Some refer to it as a modified buntline hitch due to the method of tying, which starts with a buntline, but ends up with a clove hitched collared bull hitch.
I have seen the pictures the author himself of the "Estar hitch" has provided - which I reproduce here ( the complete set of them, labelled
bunt2 and
bunt3 ) from his very informative and interesting site : Now, I can tell what the confusion is - which, unfortunately, the author of the "
Estar hitch" never realized, or never wished to clarify :
There are
TWO ways one can drive the Tail End of a finished
Buntline hitch around the pole, and re-tuck it through its two "holes" ( the
Buntline hitch is "8" shaped, so it has two "holes" ).
first is what the attached original pictures show : this way does NOT lead to the
Bull Clove hitch presented in this thread. So, if we try to follow the
vague, incomplete instructions offered by the author, and attempt to understand what he says by seeing the original pictures provided by him, we end up with another hitch, which is NOT the
Bull Clove hitch. It is the hitch shown by SS369 at Reply#3 : The
second way, which is NOT shown in those pictures, is to drive the Tail end around the pole FROM THE OTHER SIDE of the
Buntline hitch from what is shown by the author, after making a 180 degrees additional turn around the Standing End. THAT way does generates the
Bull Clove hitch, because it does
complete the
Clove hitch, as it should, and then re-tucks it through its two "holes" ( the two wraps of the
Clove hitch can also be considered as two "holes" ).
WHICH is the "Estar hitch" ? KnotGod knows !

I have repeatedly asked the author for a clarification, but he never bothered to reply to my posts or messages...
Let us go to the "animated" site which is a-la-mode nowadays, and see if we can enlighten ourselves. First, the "Estar hitch" animation appears only as a window of the
Buntline hitch. Second, what the animated .GIF file clearly shows, is NOT the
Bull Clove hitch, but the hitch shown by SS369 at Reply#3. See the fourth attached picture, or visit : Now, one may wonder ( or not... ), why such experienced knot tyers as Derek Smith and Dan Lehman had not paid
any attention to this simple, obvious fact, and instead preferred to ignore my own presentation, my pictures and my post at Reply#9... After all those years in this Forum, my theory has evolved, and it is now this :
Knot tyers are those people who tie only their own knots, and snub all others ( other knot-tyers, and, oftentimes, other knots ! )

. Well, there are exceptions in this rule, but it makes no harm to novice knot tyers to have this theory in the back of their mind, when they present a "new" knot...