I am no expert on Data Protection, but would this idea work? In KM insert a slip to be filled in and returned if the person is agreeable to their data being published in a handbook and to being transferred world wide. The form would give headings Name. Address. E-Mail. Phone. and maybe other headings. Each member would be allowed to leave blank items they did not wish included. The form would also contain a section to be signed to the effect that any information received would not be passed to other parties without contacting the member concern to ask first. Any handbook produce would then only be sent to those who complete this form.
You can tell me if this is total rubbish
Pete James
Actually, it would probably work!
I am no legal expert (and certainly not on international law), but every law and rule I have ever seen concerning Personal Data Protection all have (at least) one thing in common: They allow for the individual to
give permission to publish personal data in one form or another. Since this will concern the laws from several countries it can be complicated and needs to be checked out, but I think it might work.
In other words; If the Personal Data Protection laws in the concerned countries have (as I am fairly certain they do) have a "permission clause" in common, the legal solution to the problem is not too difficult. To solve it practically means some work, however - but that?s another matter.