I made a single-rope swing for the whelps today, and found out that relaying twisted rope so it's nice and tight is not easy to do by hand. I passed the rope through the hole in the swing seat, tied a double matthew walker knot, and inserted a sailmaker's whipping below that. I wanted to leave a 12 inch tail, which I did after re-laying as best I could, terminated by another whipping. The swing termination is secure, but the rope lays in the tail are loose and pathetic.
Some further research turned up that a proper 3 strand lay should involve either a machine for twisting and tensioning or three people to twist good and hard one on each strand.
So I guess what I'm looking for here is some guidance. I will presumably be in this situation again---when in a couple years I replace the swing rope, or for another project---and I can't count on being able to conscript two other fools at a moment's notice. What do you do? Did you build or buy a laying machine, or is there another way? Can anyone recommend a good explanation or procedure?
(I'm posting in chit-chat because as an IGKT newbie it wasn't obvious to me which forum section is best. I'll be happy to re-post as appropriate if the guild gods so desire.)