I would like to mention a few things about this collection, as it stands till now.
1. I have not yet made my mind which of the three "new" knots, the Bull Clove hitch, the Bull Pretzel hitch, or the Doubly slipped overhand-knot-based hitch / Tom Foul s hitch, is the best (3). ( The fourth of the quartet, the Double Ring hitch, is an "old" knot, and its asymmetry is, for me, a bitter pill to swallow ). There are many things one should consider here :
1. Some of those hitches can become more tight and more securely "locked" when they are pre-tensioned by the force of the arms of an average man, some when they are pre-tensioned by the body weight of an average man, and some when they are tensioned by a really heavy weight - and I do not know by which criterion I should select one of them, as the most tight one, to place it in my personal Pantheon.
2. Some can be pre-tensioned easily, and remain tightly wrapped around the hitched/bound object(s), only when they are tied around a cylindrical pole, because, in their case, the interaction between the surface of the pole and the nub of the hitch is not only beneficial, but also required - and some others can be used as tight hitches around bundles of many objects, which may not be in contact with the nub of the hitch at all ( i.e., the nub of the hitch may be "free floating" in mid-air ).
3. Last, but not least, the relative diameters of the rope and the pole do matter. Some hitches become more secure when their nubs are in contact with a more round surface of a small-size pole, and they are pulled by their limbs towards it, and some are secure even if/when their nubs are in contact with a more flattish object, and the pull by their limbs does not squeeze them at all.
I have to try all those things - but, for the moment, I try to recover from my back pains, so I can not do anything...
The other thing I would like to mention, is that I had decided to offer to the "tackled hitches"(1)(2) a place in this collection - I believe they deserve it, but, in order to keep the total number to 12/13, I have to remove one other knot, and I have not made my mind about this yet. Which "tackled hitch" ? The Butterfly tackled hitch is the one candidate, and the most-tight Yoke hitch the other - but first I have to figure out if there is a way to tie the Yoke hitch in a way which will allow me to untie it, even with some difficulty - because a two-wrap tight hitch witch can only be used as a permanent knot is not very useful. If one would need a permanent tight hitch, he would better tie a multi-wrap one - and I have already included two of those in my collection, the TackleClamp hitch and the Double Cow hitch, which can be untied, even with some difficulty.
http://igkt.net/sm/index.php?topic=5474.0 3.