Nobody was ever talking about motion
I was just replying to your comment :
There is no mechanical advantage to a static knot.
Now, when we start pulling the very end of the Tail end..
Then we can start talking about mechanical advantage.
My bold.
My concern is that over-complexification would do more harm than over-simplification. Knots and knot tying is a simple thing, and perhaps the joy they offer is due to this simplicity, let us try to keep it that way.
There have been many discussions about calculations of the mechanical advantage in the past in this Forum, which usually lead nowhere. Knot tyers are not interested about the exact mechanical advantage they get, they just want to get some !

Moreover, when we distance ourselves from the "ideal" cases, the complexity of the things jump out of the roof. Nobody can calculate, and
predict, the exact mechanical advantage of a real knot mechanism. I have not been able to calculate the mechanical advantage of the beautiful, ingenious
Alaskan hitch, and I can not even explain why there
is such an advantage there, to anybody ! The first "point"/tip of the Zig Zag can/does slide on the riding turn, and the whole thing gets very complex, even for this so simple knot.
I had not tried to say something you had not said - and you had not said something the Wikipedia article about the block and tackle mechanism says, either. We always try to re-phrase some things, in our effort to reveal their inner reasoning, and to present them as simply as possible - but not more than that.