showing an unloaded form of the F. Loop
I see... You had never tied or loaded the two knots I had shown !

(1). Good for you ! Keep
believing, it may help you ...
A Farmer's Loop - dressed and tightened in it's most commonly accepted shape/ form and subjected to any loading profile - will not distort into any shape/form that would be considered appreciably different from the original. Your beloved plait form cannot, and more specifically, I very much doubt that it will outperform the original Farmer's Loop under the loading profiles you have intended for it. Such a case would render it as just an inferior form of the proper Farmer's Loop, IMO.
In its most commonly accepted shape..."(sic) How much are you trying to be "
accepted(sic)" !

Only beware of the second part of the equation, the "

I do not have similar
needs, I am afraid. I had tied and tried the ugly tangly end-of-line
Farmer s loop, and I know that it can settle in MORE that TWO forms, which are ALL unstable AND ugly, and depend on the proportion of the tensile forces applied on the four limbs, and the angles between those limbs. I have shown pictures of two such forms, OBVIOUSLY loaded - but, evidently, you prefer to keep your mind s eyes wide shut... You had never understood what is the difference between an
in-line loop and an
end-of-line loop, so why do you expect to understand anything beyond this
elementary thing ? Now, WHY does this happen, and you have not understood ANYTHING about this matter ? Not because you can not, of course, but because you do not want to, and because you do not wish to - and you do not wish to understand, simply because
you do not care, as you had declared time and again. If you just want to use knots only as means to your ends, and tie only the knots that will help you go climbing, you should expect that you may suffer some collateral damage...

If you can not
appreciate how different those forms are, it is not my fault !
However, the problem is not that you can not appreciate the differences of those forms! The problem is that you can not even SEE those differences !

Just LOOK at those two loops, the structured
Plait loop, made of two interlinked crossing knots, and this amorphous entangled octopus, the
Farmer s loop, made of... you know what ! Actually, I am sure that you can see what the dis-figured, deformed end-of-line
Farmer s loop looks like...

No ? Then, you
need to visit a
farmer s ranch !