To see other ringbolt photos go to
http://igkt.net/sm/index.php?topic=5473.0 in his forum
This is how I did it
With standing end on left of ring bring
End through ring and make half hitch.

WE through ring and from left to right through crossing point and pull snug

WE through ring and repeat above steps

When there is roon for only one more hitch bring
WE through the ring and UP through the loop holding the Standing End

Next bring
WE through the crossing point and DOWN through the loop

Pull the standing End down through the loop and the hitching is complete. The ends may be glued or held in place with a contrasting color Turks Head knot
ORTurks Head tied with two ends
Make a clockwise loop with left end in front of ring and a counter-clockwise loop with the right end through the loop

Bring each end over the strand and through the corresponding loops on top

Bring each end down across one strand and through the loop on the bottom

The Turks Head tied with two ends is complete. You can tighten it up and hide the ends or double it by bring each end parallel to the strand just below it