Author Topic: Making letters from string or small twine for pendants  (Read 635 times)

Frayed Knot Arts

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    • Frayed Knot Arts
Making letters from string or small twine for pendants
« on: December 01, 2023, 07:49:52 PM »
I must be getting REALLY old, as I swear I thought I'd posted this plaint this morning, but I probably (once again) got lost in "chemo-land", so here goes again...

Looking for a way to braid a smaller, flat letter-type pendant from (preferably) 1.4 or 1.8 mm line to act as a neclase pendant or (in small stuff) perhaps an earring...

Especially want to do a capital "T" for Tennessee and a capital "K" for those other guys in Louisville.

Any directions or instructions would be appreciated.


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Re: Making letters from string or small twine for pendants
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2023, 08:01:50 PM »
Good day Frayed.

You can search with your browser for "Rope alphabet + or - the word knots" and you will see all manner of possibilties.
The challenge, in my opinion, is to make the letter keep its shape. Depending on size, material and atttachment(s), I would think either a buried wire or some stiffening glue solution.
I hope this has helped.


