spanish ring knot

The spanish ring knot uses the 5 bight 3 lead TH knot as its base.
Sieze cord to mandrel and take working end around mandrel as shown.

Bring Working End over, under as shown.

Place bottom bight over top bight.

WE (Working End) goes under over.

Place bottom bight under top bight.

WE goes under, over.

Bring WE to left of standing end under, over.

Bring working end to right of standing under over.

Bring WE to left of standing end under over.

Bring WE under two, over two.

Bring WE under two, over two.

Bring end under two, over two.

Bring WE under two and up through center of knot.

To make pendant tighten knot around coin or marble and cut the standing end (at 12 o'clock position) close to the knot,

To make necklace pull standing back from under two (it is to the right of the WE emerging from center of knot)