Author Topic: Hello, The Year of Knots, and a question about a seizing - does it have a name?  (Read 2194 times)


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Greetings and salutations, fellow knotters.

I?m Windy Chien, based in San Francisco, and compared to many of you I?m relatively new to the world of knotting (although I?ve made the macrame subset of square knots since the 1970s.) A few years ago I embarked on a year long program to learn one new knot each day, which turned into an art piece, The Year of Knots.

Anyhow, I?m starting to write down tutorials for some of the knots that I love and use the most. I approach knotting not as a sailor nor with an eye to functionality but rather with a love for the aesthetics of knots, the journey of each line through a knot, the engineering and the beauty all tied up in one.

There?s one that I?m not sure if it has a name or not. It?s a Common Whipping (ABOK 3442) but instead of round turns around a single rope, I?m making racking turns around two cords. So it?s technically a seizing - Does this knot structure have a name? If not, what should I call it? Does Racking Seizing sound right? I foudn a reference to a Racking Seizing that indicated a seizing with racking turns but did not have the Common Whipping?s buried loop structure underneath.

Any help/wisdom very much appreciated!

Thanks - Windy
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 12:37:58 AM by windychien »


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Welcome to the forum.

The link to your site is not quite correct - you may wish to revise it.

Compliments on your year of knots. A good idea and very inspiring.


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...It?s a Common Whipping (ABOK 3442) but instead of round turns around a single rope, I?m making racking turns around two cords. So it?s technically a seizing - Does this knot structure have a name? If not, what should I call it? Does Racking Seizing sound right? I foudn a reference to a Racking Seizing that indicated a seizing with racking turns but did not have the Common Whipping?s buried loop structure underneath.

Hi Windy,
I have liked your Year of Knots! Brava!
about the seizing, perhaps you are not interested, but does it work? because the space between the 2 ropes can be a problem...
I think it is a kind of Racking or Nippered seizing without  crossing turns. Have you had a look to ABoK #3400..? or to plate 17-18 #277 of Graumont & Hensel's Encyclopedia? even if those seizings usually start with an eye splice.
Hope this helps.
p.s.[edit] sorry, I have misunderstood in my first writing out of this post [/edit]
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 01:08:35 PM by knotsaver »


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Knotsaver - thank you! Yes it does work because I use just small stuff on it and it?s meant as a finishing technique for small decorative objects. So it doesn?t need to save a life or anything ;) 

Photos here:
and here

I will call it ?a type of Racking Seizing?.

Thank you again!


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It's a Common Whipping (ABOK 3442) but instead of round turns around a single rope,
I'm making racking turns around two cords. So it's technically a seizing -
Does this knot structure have a name? If not, what should I call it?
Does Racking Seizing sound right?
I found a reference to a Racking Seizing that indicated a seizing with racking turns
but did not have the Common Whipping's buried loop structure underneath.
?  Looking at your two examples
 (one of which I can figure how to do, the other ... <?!>),
I don't see what you mean by --if these have it-- the
highlighted expression?  You fall short of the full racking
seizing (IIRC) by not following the "8" wraps with pure
turns around them.  But in either case, you have wrapped
around two strands of cord --what is "seized"--, and I don't
see anything else that could be called "buried".
Or perhaps you were just remarking about diff's between
the whipping & seizing.

I will call it "a type of Racking Seizing".
Fair enuff.  Or maybe "8 wrapping" would work as well,
and allow for scaling up/outwards (2->3->4->n+1 bound

(And it's the Dune Creature that baffles me, re doing!)
((... which doesn't impede me from musing about having
  a 3rd strand bound w/the first two, in a triangular
  cross section ... ))


 [Ack, your quote marks get question'd  :-\ !]


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(And it's the Dune Creature that baffles me, re doing!)
((... which doesn't impede me from musing about having
  a 3rd strand bound w/the first two, in a triangular
  cross section ... ))

Dan, the Dune Creature is ABOK 541. When you reach the point where you have some knotted length (a foot or so using 1/4? cord), pull on one of the core cords and the knot will begin to curl. Pull on another of the core cords and it may curl in another direction. Enjoy!


  • Sr. Member
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(And it's the Dune Creature that baffles me, re doing!)
((... which doesn't impede me from musing about having
  a 3rd strand
bound w/the first two, in a triangular
  cross section ... ))

Dan, the Dune Creature is ABOK 541.

OH, so I mused the real McCoy, unable to SEE
a 3rd core & wraps.  (half-way to prescient, that!   ::)  )


