Bonjour B.P.
And merci for posting your work here at the IGKT forum.
It is very much appreciated

My French speaking skills are
shockingly poor - and my 17 year old daughter took French lessons at school so she assisted me a little.
I am very interested in how you and
yChan have used
#559 Marlinspike hitch as the basis for creating your 'virtual Bowlines'.
I have intended that the phrase 'virtual Bowline' denotes: Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to a strict definition.
Almost a particular thing or quality.
Almost, but not exactly or in every way.I am aware that my introduction of this phrase could attract undue negative attention - and any detractors should be aware that it is a 'work-in-progress'.
Xarax has criticized the use of the word 'virtual' because he feels that in the modern era - it has come to be associated with computer generated imagery (virtual reality).
But, I think as long as I provide a glossary of my intended meanings, it should be understood in the way that I intended.
Another phrase that I have introduced is; 'First order Bowlines' (or; Bowlines of the first order).
What I mean by 'first order' is:
Of major importance or significance.
Used to denote something that is excellent or considerable of its kind.
A thing having the highest status in a group.In my view, the illustrations depicted by
Ashley at #1010, #1012, #1013, #1034 1/2, #1080 and #1087, are 'first order Bowlines' (or Bowlines of the first order).
Without exception, all of these Bowlines have
nipping structures based directly on a
helix (or double helix).
For me, where things get interesting is when you use a
nipping structure that isn't based directly on a helix - for example, a
TIB non-jamming hitch such as #206 or #559.
Provided that all other requirements of a 'Bowline' are met, I think that these structures
could be regarded as 'virtual Bowlines' (with the word
virtual having the meaning I tendered above).
I like your particular creation very much - it has an elegant geometry.
Of note is that in your creation (in comparison to yChan) - is that both legs of the collar are encircled and clamped by the #559 nipping structure. In comparison, in yChans creation - one of the legs is displaced.
I had advanced that a
nipping structure must freely encircle and clamp both legs of the bight (NOTE: Some will prefer to conceptualize the collar and its 2 legs as a 'bight' component).
Your creation:1. Has a collar that performs a U turn around the SPart
2. Has a nipping structure that is loaded at both ends, is TIB and jam resistant
3. Is PET (post eye tiable) - which some would prefer to identify as post 'loop' tiable
4. Has a fixed 'eye' (which some would prefer to identify as a 'loop')
For these reasons, I believe that it is deserving of the title 'Virtual Bowline based on #559'.
I am not clear about its stability when 'ring-loaded' - we'll see. I am also unclear how well virtual Bowlines built from #559 will remain 'stable'. If I find some spare time, I'll perform a load test to assess stability...
NOTE: I think Geoffrey Budworth (a prolific author who some would regard as an 'expert' on knots), defines a 'loop' as being formed by the overlap of one rope segment over (or under) the other so as to create a helix. The resulting helix can have either S or Z chirality.
I have formed this view based on examination of some of his books where he attempts to illustrate his conceptualization of a 'loop'.
Au revoir,