Author Topic: Note on Knot Testing New Board  (Read 14171 times)


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Note on Knot Testing New Board
« on: August 12, 2018, 07:53:56 AM »
This new board is for forum members to post reports on tests which they have undertaken followed by reviews and comments on the tests (methodology, results etc NOT comments on the knots themselves or their application please unless test related - those discussions belong on the main Practical Knots board). Denigrating comments, introducing other knots within the thread and linking to personal sites unless
related directly to a knot test or truly germane to that specific test/review are off the table and will be promptly removed.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 07:54:56 AM by Sweeney »


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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 10:35:12 AM »
@ Sweeney,

Thank you so much for giving the content providers the structure they have requested.

The power of a Global Moderator - does it give you goosebumps?

As this is a reply to your board introduction, I hope you will allow it to remain, in view of the fact that it violates some of the 'promptly removed' rules that you have imposed, but I post it in the hope of attaining understanding and clarity.

So, some questions if I may :-

We asked for a board on which we could post issues relating to testing, results and reviews.  One of the topics we intend to cover is the development of a Testing Protocol.  This does not conform to your restrictions, will it be 'promptly removed'?

We intend to reference guidance notes and methodology produced by other bodies as background to the development of our protocol.  This does not conform to your restrictions, will they be 'promptly removed'?

We intend to review knot books by others.  This does not conform to your restrictions, will they be 'promptly removed'?

When reviewing a test report, inevitably discussion will cover the suitability of the testing for a specific knot, or the suitability of that knot for the applied testing, likewise, the review will likely advise alternate testing or knots. This does not conform to your restrictions, will it be 'promptly removed'?

Testing is aimed at improving our understanding of knots,  this is often achieved by comparing knots with differing characteristics, these alternate structures would be brought into the reviews.  This does not conform to your restrictions, will it be 'promptly removed'?

Finally I would seek clarification on your rules regarding 'Denigrating Comments' and links needing to be 'Truly Germane'.  These are personally subjective.  Could you please give us clear guidance as to the tests you will apply before they fail to conform to your restrictions and are 'promptly removed'



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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 06:52:14 PM »

I had thought that my attempt to restrict the use of the knot testing sub-board to relevant material would at least make posters think carefully before departing from the title of the board and the broad scope set out in my post. I have deliberately avoided quoting examples or trying to lay down detailed guidance so if you and others wish to test the boundaries then feel free and we can argue on a case by case basis as necessary. I am sorry but I see no point in a theoretical discussion at this stage - a board for knot testing was requested and the Forum now has one. Over time it will develop its own protocol to suit the needs of Forum members and that opening post will need to be refined but for now it stands as an opening gambit to help focus minds.

I should add though that when I say a post will be removed I am using the term in the context of this board so removed may result in a post being placed on another more relevant board or in the case of an offensive post or one which has no place on this Forum (such as occasional spam posts), be removed altogether. That is no different to what happens now with all boards.


PS Goosebumps? - no. Despair at childish behaviour - frequently!


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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 07:27:16 PM »
I had thought that my attempt to restrict the use of the knot testing sub-board to relevant material would at least make posters think carefully before departing from the title of the board and the broad scope set out in my post.

Relevant to whom?  To you?  Or to the posters who have requested this board and will be the posters who put content onto it?



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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2018, 09:28:11 AM »
Relevant to the the subject matter of the board and the topic under discussion.


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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2018, 01:52:44 PM »
Thanks Sweeney, all perfectly understandable.

How do I shift my existing knot test reports over to this new knot test forum (including pictures)? Is there an easy/straightforward way to do this?


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Re: Note on Knot Testing New Board
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2018, 03:48:26 PM »
Unfortunately I am not sure what you can see (as opposed to what I can see) above each post. On my screen there are several options on the right above each post including "Split Topic" which allows you (or maybe just me) to select posts to be split off - at least I think that's what happens as I have never tried it as far as I can recall. If that option is not available to you then I will need to be able to move the posts for you but to do that I will need 2 things:

1.  The reference numbers of the posts you want moved; and

2. Where you want them moved to viz the topics on the new child board (which you can create).

I suggest that if this has to be a "joint venture" between us then we start with one topic and perhaps a couple of posts to ensure that it works properly and then move forward.
