The ABoK is obviously a fantastic resource,
but also a comprehensive catalogue of knots with its
commonly agreed on knot numbering system, which greatly simplifies referencing.
"Large", but not "comprehensive".
I wonder I anybody ever attempted to catalogue
and number knots that are not in the ABoK?
Having recently taken the arduous task of counting the
number of "knots" in
ABoK --pub'd in KM--, it occurred
to me to then look at what is in Hensel & Gretel's
EKFRthat isn't in
ABoK (and that isn't rank rubbish --much is)
and make a list of those. But I'd not do any numbering,
but giving the numbers (per-pg & per-plate) they already
have (which enable reference to them --I THINK w/o issue
of matching to editions 1..4?!).
Possibly for angling knots, many of which were spawned
by the introduction of nylon fish line, and then more for
HMPE (gel-spun) line, relatively recently, there might be
reasonable grounds to build a ref. cat. for them taking info
from many sources. And to here introduce some reference
#ing system for them.