To the moderators:
Given that this topic thread is specifically intended for investigating new knot claims (ie, making a claim that a 'knot' is the creation and invention of the person who posts the information), I am having difficulty in ascertaining what yChan is actually claiming to be a new knot.
This is not a malicious post aimed at slandering or denigrating yChan. It is a legitimate concern that yChan's post may not fit within the intended purpose of this IGKT forum topic.
Most of yChan's images in his pdf files are embryonic knot folds, in that they don't appear to be finished (completed) 'bends' (end to end joining knots).
Again, the title of the topic in this IGKT forum is "New Knot Investigations".
The word "knot" strongly suggests a self supporting structure that is intentionally tied to exhibit a specific geometric form.
This definition differentiates from a random entanglement of cord(s) with no specifically intended geometric form.
I am not sure if an embryonic fold that is merely a starting representation for tying a 'knot' meets the definition of what a 'knot' is.
Which further complicates attempts by readers to ascertain precisely what is being claimed.
In addition, the google drive folder contains a large number of 'embryonic folds' (incomplete knots): how does a reader sift through the documentation to ascertain what new 'knots' are being claimed?
For example; is the entirety of yChan's work being claimed as an original creation?
Or is it just one geometric form? If yes, then which one?