Author Topic: Working name Black Hole Loop  (Read 3774 times)


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Working name Black Hole Loop
« on: March 04, 2021, 02:13:17 AM »
Searching in this forum, I was not able to find the loop knot presented here, it is possible somebody tied it before due to its structure's inherent simplicity.

The basic tying process is easy to remember.The TIB process a little more challenging (not for the likes of Alan Len tough). When working the TIB route, I came across a form of simple double loop of quasi bowline elements that made me take under consideration the novelty  aspect. I provide the picture for verification,it is so simple and yet I can't pinpoint its origin.

Overhand geometries can be tricky. But I have argued, in previous posts , that an overhand can be tamed if well handled with a simple recipe; fill his inside voids with matter, impeding its formidable shrinking capacities.
The form which is of interest here consist of exploiting an overhand nipping structure  with 3 ropes diameter inside, softening the well-known jamming effect .

The loop's returning eye leg passes through the rightmost (see picture) small interstice, forms the collar, revisits back the nipping central aperture (the black hole) and exits alongside the standing end.
The reverse profile benefits a 3-rope diameter in the collar bight, I am not certain of this inline possibility.

I gave this structure a working name; Black Hole loop.
I am working on the presentation for the TIB process.

Quasi bowline double loop
Black Hole Loop loose state
Nipping structure
Black Hole Loop preferred dressing state

« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 01:35:29 PM by enhaut »


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Re: Working name Black Hole Loop
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2021, 01:04:43 AM »
BHL being a TIB loop here is one possible sequence.
I did some drawings on frame 3 hoping it will help understanding this flip.
I added two diagrams for step 3, the formation of the nipping overhand
 BHL steps 1 2 3
 BHL steps 4 5 6
 BHL Final State
 BHL Step 3 walk
« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 01:42:49 AM by enhaut »


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Re: Working name Black Hole Loop
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2021, 01:14:50 AM »
The use of overhands as nipping structures, is a quite challenging endeavour, but not a completely impractical approach, if you ask me.

As you correctly point out, if the recipe is good enough to break overhand's vice function, we might exploit such topologies to develop non-PET, TIB eyeknots, like the one presented here.

However, it remains to be seen, if this proposed closed form topology may or may not induce any jamming.

It is known, that nothing can escape from a black hole, but your depicted small interstice, provides me with an access point, where i can interface with the nub and put the wheels in motion, in order to override the black hole  ;).

Verily, we could get back in the comfort bowline zone, by pulling the on-going eye leg continuation (see image), where the black hole eye collapses, and grants its place to your wheel house bowline, with this simple and easy transformation.

It's good that you have already posted the TIB process so as to work with some further combinations.

Ps: The quasi bowline, appears to be a portuguese 1051 variant.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 10:14:13 AM by tsik_lestat »
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Re: Working name Black Hole Loop
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2021, 02:22:06 AM »
Hi, tsik_lestat thanks for the reply and the comments.

As you correctly point out, if the recipe is good enough to break overhand's vice function, we might exploit such topologies to develop non-PET, TIB eyeknots, like the one presented here.

Where you see vice I see virtue. In my view the overhand structure is  potent structure in the knot tyer toolbox, but you already know that indeed. The OV deserves more attention and exploitations.

However, it remains to be seen if this proposed closed form topology may or may not induce any jamming.

I have tied this knot multiple time to find the best dressing vs. jamming and also to come up with a decent TIB method. I found out that it is best to leave the nub in a semi-open space (first post picture 4 Preferred dressing state), in fact, that's the best dressing. This nub upon heavy loading will harden like another loop knot in the same circumstances. But here I found out with abundant tries that the overhand nip doesn?t act alone , the collar component plays an important role.
The centre remains always accessible.

It's good that you have already posted the TIB process so as to work with some further combinations.

Yes I saw that Wheel house bowline and some more states of interest in my quest. This topology  is rich in information. The comfort zone is not in play here.

Ps: The quasi bowline, appears to be a portuguese 1051 variant.

Portuguese likeness yes, not 1051, 1072 came close, but we  are not there yet.

Images= other forms of interest.
Overhand Vice=Virtue
Elongate State nn eye on the right side
Elongate State nn eye on the right side
Retracted state nn

