Sometime back in late summer/fall of 2018, I had an idea to integrate a Double Yosemite finish into the nipping loops of the Double Bowline and the Tresse Bowline respectively. Driven by my search to find a new Post-Eye Tiable knot for tying into a climbing harness, the idea quickly turned into a project resulting in the creation of several more knots.
All of the knots were created using the 8-shaped 'elbow' forms of the Double Bowline and the Tresse Bowline. The W.End, after going around the S.Part - in either direction - to form the collar, used the elbow's form to trace any one of several discreet paths and create each new knot. Each knot presented with tails exiting either alongside the S.Part or alongside the EyeLoop's first leg, except in the symmetric knot cases, where the tails exited out of the knot sans host.
Now, you (et al.) know that I'm a "words can work" guy,
who is often scolded here for lacking (jpeg) images,
but I'm not getting anywhere much from these words.
If we had a better starting point (image from past posts)
and some clearer
then-whats, maybe we'd progress.
Note that the
fig.8 can serve as a base for your design
goals, IMO --i.e., a slip-knot version (to be
PET, you see)--,
with a simple bowlinesque collaring. (But to your point about
"the material it's tied in" --an aspect too seldom respected(!)--,
I'm now fiddling in small nylon solid braid and not a firmer
stuff better modeling the intended kernmantle!)
After months of fiddling, ...
Is your mind sore?
tying and untying with and without a harness
Btw, how *comfortable* is your harness (or h--es) with
a double-eye, a 2nd pass through the tie-in loops?
Because it's a simple solution to tie-in security as you
know (per German climbing choice of
BoaB), there's
some merit to this easy redundancy, with any loosened
untying (i.e., unintended!) presumably having an
initial state of ONE untied eye's material flapping
around in alarm.
... the WE returning directly through the front loop only
and tracing the elbow's path back through the knot
to exit through the collar alongside the SP.
This SOUNDS as though the *tresse*-ing part of the
knot --and the initial turning of the SPart-- comes
around but a
single diameter/strand ?!
If the measure of a good knot is a function of the material its tied in and the right balance of attributes and compromises for the intended purpose, this is my PET knot of choice for tying into a climbing harness. I have effectively ended my search.
the F8 to be impossible to untie.
*Interior- or exterior*-loaded?
And did you try hammering the knot (hoping
that some of these shocks would bit-by-bit
loosen it --a method rumored to be useful)?
Photos and a video of the best way to tie into
a climbing harness with the knot will follow at some point.
Thanks much!