I suspect you're having trouble with this because you're reading something that isn't in the question.
This is a little bit of an over-reaction.
There is nothing sinister in my posts to you.
I'm just pointing out that there are lots of tying methods - and I stated that your production values were excellent.
I hoped someone in the forum might know if this method had been described before. That's what I meant. I didn't mean anything else.
As I tried to point out in reasonable way - its very hard to state with certainty that any one method is unique or novel.
This is not meant to be read as insulting or not caring or anything else.
Its simply a statement of fact.
There is no malice attached to my words.
I'll say it again to be clear - your presentation is
excellent - and it is very much appreciated.
Your actual tying method is very hard to pinpoint with certainty in terms of it being 'original'.
This is not an offensive remark - its just reality.
Think of the hundreds of years that people have been tying the Carrick bend.
The digital age has only arrived in relative recent times...so records of exact tying methods are not well documented.
Reading through your and Dan_Lehman's posts, I can see that you have personal problems with each other, and are unlikely to be able to break off from them to help me.
NO - this is wrong.
I have no personal problem with Dan Lehman!
Read carefully again please!
You will see it is Dan who typically makes off nominal remarks - not me!
He makes harsh remarks about chirality - please read and you will see this for yourself.
I simply reply as best I can - without resorting to the same innuendo.
Perhaps I should leave you you two to carry on with your childish taunting and ranting at each other.
Please check and you will see that it is Dan Lehman who typically initiates this behavior (not me).
Please be fair and balanced in this regard
I have no ill will or malice to Dan Lehman.
And again, I appreciate the time and effort you have made with your work.
If you take the time to read my posts carefully, I have always been reasonable and fair - and tried to provide accurate commentary.
EDIT NOTE:I would reinforce that tying methods are not always 'documented' - eg documented in digital form.
There are lots of people who 'fiddle' and play around with knots.
They likely would not record their methods - in the sense of having a published method on record.
I know that I have played around with various tying methods of the Carrick bend - and I recall my original instructor showing a group of us various tying methods.
This was all done visually - while seated in a circle.
I would say that accurate digital records of multiple knot tying methods likely didn't occur until the advent of the internet and youtube...now, anyone can upload their tying methods.
I wish that I could offer you something more substantial than this but, its going to be really difficult to establish if any one particular tying method is original.