In reply to Dan:
Thanks for your comment in relation to my imagined specious reasoning.
There isn't anything of a specious nature here
What I point to as specious is the image of the eye
with all the loadings WHEN THE POINT of the term
"ring-loading" --the point from those coining it--
relates simply to the loading of the eye legs in
opposition to each other, hence, qua ends-joint
--which is a straight line through the knot,
irrespective of what occurs farther out : the knot
feels the leg-vs-leg spread of loading. A paradigm
situation might be belaying from one's tie-in eye
vs. belay loop. (A rumored case was an injured
climber being helicopter-hoisted by a connection
into his tie-in bowline --not good.)
To this, if one really wishes to complicate things,
one might try including 3-way loading --i.e., keeping
some SPart loading along with eye loading;
and this then is going to change angles,
likely to be seen as going from some rather
extreme, "a different animal" state to what
might be more accepted as within-possible-range
of eye spread (say, angle range 40..90deg?)
Just as one might prefer to separate degree
of jamming at within-safe-working-load forces
from that coming only at higher, nigh rupture
- - - - - - - - - -
A separate but worthy area of investigation is the
handling of varied-direction/-state forces upon
mid-line eye knots :: it's all well and good that
some testing is done on some state of the
butterfly, e.g., loaded eye-vs-
SPart(pick one ; but know that it's an asymmetric knot
and the one is a bit different from the other!),
AND THEN loaded *through*, end-2-end.
The first loading can be seen as a particular
(maybe not so good...) setting of the knot
for its next loading.
Going from A-loading to B-loading might work,
but not so much so going from B-loading back to A's.
(To this thinking should come some notes about
when such variance is expected, or at least possible;
there might be cases where loading falls only within
some limited variance where problems won't arise.)