Consider the Foyer with all of today's light hearted 'Chit Chat' (and hopefully much more of it), but without any of the in-depth and occasionally borderline aggressive content from the likes of you and I.
From me?!
It is the person that moves, not the thread, although doubtless, when a Novice outgrows the Foyer, it is likely they will spend some time migrating between both halls, often posting similar threads/questions in both - Andre's post would quite logically have been posted in both the Foyer and the Showcase - nothing wrong with that. The level, style and terminology used in the replies in different halls would reflect the expectations of the participants and the behaviour guidelines for each hall.
I don't concur in any of this sentiment. All this worry about appropriateness of some tone of response
is silly, IMO; we've handled plenty of "newbie" posts w/o special precaution (just common sense)
--with one sort of exception attributable to personal issues not affected by Forum management.
Incidentally, one of the indications that people do not move is the posting of Announcements
information in Chit-chat--in the (prudent) belief that folks don't give much heed to checking
Announcements much. --WARNING & SUNDAY regular posts seem appropriate to A. vs. Cc..
You propose the move to enhance the names to "Decorative Showcase and Practical Workshop",
and here you highlight an important pitfall - that of over specifying a halls use and content. If a thread starts
in the Showcase about tying a fancy, then evolves into a technical discussion should it be moved? or should it be split?
The answer is - neither. If you over specify an areas content it becomes unusable, instead of enjoying our hobby,
we become obsessed with 'Should this be in this box or that box?'.
OVER specifying"?!
Again, you are raising molehills into windmills and then crusading against them!
In some few cases, the answer is "yes, split off a continuation of a thread to a better location".
There is a general problem of dealing with "hijacking" of topics, and some discipline in posters
is reasonable to call for and fixes such as MOVED serve a purpose of keeping threads grouped
for better access/finding/reference. And at our level of usage, this should be no big bother.
(I recall back in the good ol' pre-WWWeb days of USENET groups when rec.bicycling got
split into, hmmm, maybe nine (!) subgroups (.tech, .marketplace (4 sale/ISO), .rides, .advocacy ...)
in order to make the use of that resource much much better--it was getting huge numbers
of posts daily, then.)
It does occur to me tha having the ONLY actual knotting-discussion area named "Chit-chat"
inspires other than great interest/respect from a new reader! (Think of looking for, say, some
important medical advice from a university hospital and all you find is "chit-chat".)-:
This all moves the discussion away from content permissible in each hall over to behaviour permissible
in each hall and from that into agreeing some guidelines for what that permissible behaviour should be.
I see a choice of location (among likely few options) to be natural and easier than your envisioned choice of
attitude or response disposition (which requires some presumption of some level of ignorance which itself might
be awkward to make).
Below are a couple of scans of the Forum's index pp taken some time ago when it occurred to me
to see how a break-up of "Chit-chat" might look. I'll split it as per Decorative, Practical, & Other,
for simplicity at this time; "Other" might hold hints for a further specific heading.
(I'm going to guess at the subject of some threads; I've not read all ... .)
Decorative Designs & did they do it? walrus
Is there a calculation which gives the amount of cordneeded for a turks head?---Mrs_G_Chew
A shifting knot (150K worth of pics)---V.V.V.V.V.
How do I do what I know as multiple plaits?---Mrs_G_Chew
Newspaper article about Chinese Knotting demo in Dayton, OH---KnotMe
Decorative knot around a pole---Evan Plett
whipping for ship's wheel---arniesails
historical / maritime walled town festival---Andre van der Salm
Practical Lab & WorkshopEssential Knots? « 1 2 3 4 5 Lasse_C
Beefed up KC Hitch---DerekSmit
A knot by Design---DerekSmith
Construction Knots---rosco rathbone
Tying the Blood Knot---DerekSmith
Double Dragon Vs. Double Tucked Perfection loop---Mike
Compact loop on a bight!?--
Fishing St. Maarten Blue Marlin Classic ---Andrew
Knots in movies---DaveRoot
Certified Rope Splicer---DerekSmith
monkeys fist « 1 2 » --- edward
Power in VersaTackle <<1,2>> ---KC
Lash-Seize-Whip: Distinction?!---Dan_Lehman
Greetings, Notes, & MiscellanyThe Knotboxes are open DerekSmith
Sunday again« 1 2 » Willeke
Is this the right place for intros? « 1 2 » --walrus
new pictures of knot tyers meeting in Rotterdam---Andre van der Salm
Des Pawson's Book(s) ---aknotter
Overs Index ---DerekSmith
new pictures---Andre van der Salm
Spooky way to find knots---DerekSmith
yet another name question---twentythree
New to knots---marieferry
archaic term for knot tyer?-- cricket
Rather tattered book-- Petr Stasa
AnnouncementsNew forum is working. ---Willeke ---patrick
Southampton & knotting---JustKnot
Spam warning---Willeke
Now, this isn't perfect, and there are arguable mis-classifications, esp. since
as noted I've not gone back to review each thread; and there can be yet
continual questions about slotting. But is it overall a better system than
lopping it all under "Chit-chat" (or some better name) and being a one-slot
Forum (with clearly a range of topics)--I think so.