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New Forum boards?

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Following a number of recent discussions on this board and amongst the forum moderators, we would like to ask your opinion on possibly adding some new boards to the forum. To this end, we'd like to ask all forum subscribers to take a moment to post in this poll which will run for exactly 14 days and then close automatically. The poll's results will only be available after it has closed to try and ensure as fair and objective a result as possible.

If there is a clear concensus in favour of creating new boards, we will then follow this up with a second poll to allow people to indicate preferred board combinations and discuss a possible way forward.

Thank you.


--- Quote from: Lasse_C on January 04, 2007, 01:58:41 PM --- before any division into sub-sections is made, I suggest we all take some time to think about how many sub-sections we really need, what the sub-sections should be called and contain! If the sub-section headlines are too vague, anything might fit into them and they are useless. If they are too precise and limited, on the other hand, the number of specialized sub-sections will be so large that it is hard to keep track of - and useless for that reason.

A division into sub-sections should be made in a way that improves this forum, not making it difficult to use or complicated to navigate.

Just my little piece into the discussion.  :)

Lasse C
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Usually, I find quoting myself to be ridiculously (is that the correct spelling? ???) self-centered, but sometimes I find it useful.
I just wanted to repeat this: Let´s think this over properly and not rush into anything. It is better to think it over one extra time than to create a structure that will not work and/or we will not like.

Lasse C

As moderators we feel the same and we rather move slowly but right than hurried and have to live with a mess.



--- Quote from: Lasse_C on January 05, 2007, 12:17:56 PM ---I just wanted to repeat this: Let´s think this over properly and not rush into anything. It is better to think it over one extra time than to create a structure that will not work and/or we will not like.

--- End quote ---

I agree. Time taken now will be well spent if it stops regulars having to repeatedly redirect newcomers to different boards to have their questions answered. The ideal solution would be intuitive, natural and simple but getting there isn't so easy.

Simple is good. Simple can be built upon without too much mess and simple means less bits to break down. I like simple.  ;D

UUMMM - how do we vote?  There are no radio buttons on my window of the voting board - are they hidden somewhere?



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