#1047 Figure 8 eye knot could not be used for such a test (although #1058 directional F8 could be used).
CMC Rope Rescue Safety Manual (3rd ed.**) test results
show a higher break point on their tests of these
knots for the former (!), which is not all that much
lower than for the
butterfly (of some orientations
/geometries we don't know), in Rhino Rescue rope
(half-inch, low-elongation kernmantle).
[** Aha, I see that there is now also both a 4th & 5th!
So, two points of interest in these.]
As for Ashley's "bowline" in the cited passage, IIRC
he is rather openly echoing some others' nomination,
citing one or another knot as "having the better claim".
(What surprises me is that a *real* Single BWL on a
Bight was so long in coming, when an adventurous
and clever soul should've pretty much just taken
the 2-eye version and worked it back to single!)