Author Topic: Half snuggle or twisted constrictor hitch  (Read 3569 times)


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Half snuggle or twisted constrictor hitch
« on: December 01, 2020, 05:13:27 PM »
A recent reddit post introduced me to the snuggle hitch and I think I found a way to improve it.  I noticed how it's similar to the constrictor knot.  The snuggle is harder to tie but easy to untie where the constrictor is easy to tie and difficult or impossible to untie once cinched down really tight.  I found that if you omit the last loop from the snuggle you get a constrictor with a twist or what I'm calling the half snuggle though maybe it already has a name.

The picture shows the constrictor on the left and half snuggle on the right, both flattened out to expose how they work.  The difference between them is that the bottom loop is twisted 180 degrees.  The twist makes the half snuggle easy to untie.  Where the top piece of cord in the constrictor goes completely around the knot before emerging at the ends, the top piece of the half snuggle goes under a loop and directly out of the knot making it possible to pull it to loosen it even when tight.

This seems like an improvement on both the constrictor and the snuggle, though I haven't done any systematic testing.  Is this a well known and understood knot?

« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 05:23:25 PM by robsteele »


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Re: Half snuggle or twisted constrictor hitch
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2020, 02:36:12 AM »
It's Ashely's #1688, IIRC?  --or there-abouts, #-wise. (1674?)
though also "there" is for being a hitch, not binder
(loading what you show as the right end).

« Last Edit: December 02, 2020, 02:36:52 AM by Dan_Lehman »


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Re: Half snuggle or twisted constrictor hitch
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2020, 05:51:52 PM »
It's Ashley's #1674, a kind of snug hitch, which appears to be an unslipped version of the #1244 bag knot.