In examinations of knots as rope mechanix, generally in a fixed/static state;
but still rope mechanix.
We have dynamic /moving knots of Muenter, Prussic, Poldo, Fiction Hitches, Parbuckle etc.
>>whose forces can be used statically against loading, but usual highlights are the ropes in motion.
Especially Parbuckle, that may not even tie any single known complete knot
>>just use the rope in a certain geometry to extrude the desired effects
Parbuckle can give a 2x1 multiplier hanging or further multiplier of ramp
>>or back to 2x1 on flat ground
>>hanging is constant 2/1>>but flat surface can be just needed to get, then keep going, keep just enough light tension
>>as separate consideration
As any contact to ramp or flat ground (not hanging) also shows this is not 2x1 x ramp advantage dragging
>>we are ROLLING a log etc., and coming up over the edge of a trailer, the spar texture can even be as a gear wheel!
>>system autonomously presses the log texture into this mating
Parbuckling is a verb. They use it for lifting and delivering spars (and corpses) to water, also for rolling massive ships upright against ramp of sea bed (or make one from) when can w/o crushing pressures(need to cradle).
i also found when using truck as the pulling force, rather have the bight on the input, not anchor as pivot
>>if have bight around anchor as typical shown and pull ends/tie to truck
>>they don't pull as clean and even, have to go around and under massive log to self adjust to pull and deliver even
>>else can get slanted to side and lose on ramps
>>bight thru tow hooks or even around ball hitch if must
>>is more immediately self adjusting
would pull across trailer 90 degrees with truck on far side from ramps
>>fill a layer, anchor down rope over logs on truck side
>>swap sides for ramps and truck and fill next layer from opposite direction
>>rinse and repeat
Sorry one of my 90's drawings drawings from my msPaint era
But, unless was told specifically the unknotted line in pic was a knot
>>would assume is just a mechanical usage of rope, not a knot , especially static as usually implied.
This is how work gets done!
1943 Righting the USS Oklahoma from the depths after Pearl Harbor with parbuckling.