I wish I could help you further John in your quest but alas!

It did give me a great opportunity to look at my 1946 Memorial Edition of Scouting for Boys and my 1942 edition of Hints on Girl Guide Badges. It looks like the young ladies of the day were more into lace making than actual knotting though there was a badge for a boatswain but nothing about lanyard making. Some of my favourite sounding badges from that day are Bee-Farmer, Cobbler and Domestic Service! How things have changed!!
I love this quote taken from Scouting for Boys -
"To tie a knot seems to be a simple thing, and yet there are right ways and wrong ways of doing it and Scouts ought to know the right way. Very often it may happen that lives depend on a knot being properly tied.
"The right kind of knot to tie is one which you can be certain will hold under any amount of strain, and which you can always undo easily if you wish to.
"The bad knot is one which slips away when a hard pull comes on it, or which gets jammed so tight that you cannot untie it.
"The best way to learn knots is to get a fellow who knows to show you. Knots want a lot of practice as you soon forget them. Use pieces of rope or cord and not messy bits of string or bootlaces."
Nothing to do with your query I'm afraid but I will be interested in watching this thread to see if anyone comes up with something more positive!