you could take a leaf out of Ashley and have an occupational knots board,
These are precisely--explicitly--
practical knots, as witnessed by such various practices.
Beyond these, I include anything intended to be so used, as contrasted with being decorative.
In ashley ... seems to have worked for most for the past 60 years or so.
"Worked"? --not sure how it has (or hasn't); he did this, but I don't think it serves well
as a structure for the Forum as opposed to the book.
you could probably take a thread from any one board and stick it in any of the others and it will still be in the right board, so there will always be conflict as to where something should be posted, one Persons decorative knot on a key ring or ditty bag may be another Persons bread and butter.
True that some decorative work adorns tools and might even serve their function,
but I still think that they are more akin to a lamp covering, e.g., than a climber's tie-in,
and don't get treated on aspects such as security, ease of tying/untying, & strength.
The decorative & practical/functional contexts are a quite distinct.
And forensics, to my mind, is working in the
practical context.