So, having established this topological connection, does this have any particular significance, or was this mostly presented as an interesting sidebar?
I notice Ashley gives the 1444 bend a skull-and-crossbones rating. For the hitch form, that seems rather harsh. Do you think he was aware of this permutation?
There is no special significance, other than to decompose a particular knot structure, as you correctly stated above, and associate it topologically, with a more recognisable, simplified form, (which may be located in Ashley's), within the realm of exploration.
As for the skull and crossbone rating, in my opinion, that goes strictly for the bend, because the hitch structure is a far cry from the bend geometry, with different components or loadpaths.
Moreover, at this point, i'd like to add an enhancement, as an interesting feature that may be implemented to any, non-TIB, one wrap hitch, like yours for instance.
All one has to do, is to feed the working end back through the nub, parallel to Spart, developing a two wrap, TIB, bull-like, EEL hitch (another example would be the buntline with Xarax's bull clove).
From the attached images you may notice that there are plenty of options here...
1] By pulling whichever of the SPs out of the nub, you get a couple of non-TIB, one wrap hitches (one of them is your original).
2] By shrinking whichever of the two wraps you get a couple of TIB, one wrap, hitches.
3] By closing the two wraps like you are closing a book or the opposite way, you get a couple of two wrap, TIB, bull-like, EEL, hitches.