Author Topic: Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )  (Read 2180 times)


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Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )
« on: July 29, 2022, 10:45:49 PM »
    Hi All,
            I like this Anti-Myrtle loop, very simple small knot, easy to tie, jam proof. Quick release version is TIB.
            I think Anti-Myrtle is not inferior to the Myrtle at all.  Thanks.



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Re: Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2022, 06:59:04 PM »

[BTW, currently my computer isn't getting a cursor-activated
 enlargement to Alan's middle image?]

I like this Anti-Myrtle loop, very simple small knot, easy to tie, jam proof.
Quick release version is TIB.
I think Anti-Myrtle is not inferior to the Myrtle at all.

This eye knot appeared in Knotting Matters some time
back (a decade?), called there "bollard loop" and (IIRC)
"Swedish Bowline"; it was by me referred to as the/an
"anti-BWL" but with MarkG. having hijacked and adapted
that term for other things, I'm left w/"bollard loop" or
some other idea; but not "anti-Myrtle", which puts the
cart before the horse, if nothing else.

It appears in the good (& pricey) book
Handbook of Fibre Rope Technology
in one photo (of a "knot"), credited to Samson Ropes.
It first appeared to me on various commercial-fishing
gear, where I could see that it benefited from easy
tying and more of a jamming set than the BWL.
I've also see it (or the inferior version, but with tail
secured) in trawler dock lines.

Note that these two knots are in a way complementary :
loading one fore-aft'd will give the other; Mark I think
highlights this in terms of knot handedness.  But *THIS*
author finds the bollard loop to be better than the Myrtle,
but I'm not sure why :: the latter's S.Part turns around
the (semi-hard-loaded) Returning Eye Leg, vs. around
the unloaded/compressible/heat-absorbing tail.
But check w/particular material(s) you're using;
and put in a 2nd wrap in either case . . .

AND, importantly --as confusion can arise (speaking for
myself  :-[ )--, BOTH knots gain in performance by having
a >>2nd wrap<< --which gives 3 diameters for the S.Part
to surround (better contact area; more nearly approximating
a circle; MAYBE a bump in ultimate strength), and so in this
way, one can be more sure with this tie-in.

I like putting in a cloverhand with the tail through the
S.Part's nipping turn; one can also add a "proper collar" vice
one of the turns.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2022, 07:10:56 PM by Dan_Lehman »


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Re: Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2022, 07:37:23 PM »
    Hi All,
            I like this Anti-Myrtle loop, very simple small knot, easy to tie, jam proof. Quick release version is TIB.
            I think Anti-Myrtle is not inferior to the Myrtle at all.  Thanks.

Hi Alan,

Where do you use this loop?  The slithery mechanics of the thing gives me the creeps, but maybe you have some use for it that you can share.
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Re: Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2022, 05:48:22 PM »
Hi roo,
         I don't know where I want to use this loop yet . Yes, this helical (nipping structure) is a slithery mechanism and it got my attention, as I always do like to explore many new territories, and then I have created this loop.
         Now I know there is a bollard loop, someone is already ahead of me. And glad Master Dan showed me the history of this loop. Of course, I too feel good about my ability to create this knots.
          When I said this loop is Jam proof, I should have said only with softer ropes.
          I have tested it with 1/4" to 1/2" soft rope. I found it jam poof and easy to untie.
          I am not intend to sell this knot here. If you want to use it, go ahead and try it out.( But NO O
          So, overall, the ability of bollard loop is easy to tie and easy to untie after loading, and a bonus " TIB Quick release version "  That is why I said it is not inferior to Myrtle at all.   
                                             Thanks alanleeknots


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Re: Anti-Myrtle and Anti-Myrtle Quick Release (TIB )
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2022, 09:08:04 PM »
The slithery mechanics of the thing gives me the creeps,
 . .
this helical (nipping structure) is a slithery mechanism.

Oh, for goodness sakes, just put in the 2nd wrap-tuck
and be happy --like for making the Lapp bight-hitch
a surer thing than the sheet bend.

And, btw, its use in some pot bridles I surmise was
precisely because it minorly "jammed" vs. the looser
BWL --this seen in 5mm-ish marine kernmantle.

Further to the *helical* aspect ::
I'm wondering if there might be some GAIN/benefit
to having a slight decreasing helix-angle aspect to
an eye knot, for mitigating dynamic loading ;
as the S.Part will put some pressure on its entering
>>sides<< of its loop vs. just along its inner concave
surface; and the loading will push into the wraps
--again, Do The Two-- and get a bit of force
absorption by them giving a little.
!?   --something to check w/drop tests, FF 0.5 .. 1.0
in reasonably short / normal falls.
