中国结好喜欢/科彩285 posted on about second and third order flower hoop knots (THK) where, effectively, the bight count/density changes along a disk form of the knot.
Pictures only in the zgjo posts, but links to video instructions can (sort of) be found there.
Caveat on the video site, the link in the first listed post brings up entirely unrelated stuff. I suffered through it to see if it was an ad, but the next vid was not knots either, so
Also, I browse the web with a host of security features turned way up (ad blocker, no popups, scripting restrictions, etc), so I can't guarantee that nothing bad could happen to your computer there... For the extremely paranoid, I posted
one pic on Instagram, relevant to the discussion.
second order the video link there does *not* lead to instructions, use
this onethird order the
video link at the bottom of the post leads to instructions