i see as same;
for me pulley and capstan are extreme outer benchmark examples of all arcs, that are the secret or ropework.
Loaded Knot parts, etc. in arc fall between these outer extremes factors of the powerband available to play with; and gets some of each characteristic from each parent extreme on this wide spectrum.
But they are as like 'antagonistic reciprocals' to each other along that shared line, where by gain of 1 dictates the loss of the other, then combined to the whole. Much as cos/sine as opposing poles of the powerband, wave etc.; have to give up one to gain of other etc.
Only these things, can show as if open microscope to the same elemental functions hidden within the knot microcosm.
>>But of the same materials, forces, angles and laws etc.
Must make distinction of WORKiNG/loaded, force bearing to apply theories we seek.
Also, Strangle, Constrictor, Groundline and fave Bag FAMILY/class , self locking descendant of the self-crossing Clove
>>are excellent examples of it is not the name, but USAGE of Radial Binding (radial force init against and from inside radial arc control w/o friction loss) vs. if SPart 'fed' of force init as linear from outside knot micorcosm powering same Constrictor now is conversion from linear to arc control at the capstan losses from the conversion, that Binding doesn't have.
>>But the loss is found in Hitches and Bends of Linear force init thru SPart(s).
Type of force & DIRECTION, and if converted at trade off loss are organically pivotal factors;
>>that can ninja by if don't train to focus to them purposefully.
With cos benchmark as linear force direction, no cross axis resistance so DIRECTIONAL AXIS alignment i think, not necessarily what geometry shows as STRICT ALIGNMENT of RIGIDS that do have cross axis resistance by extreme contrast.
To me simplest 2/1 pulley setup with imperfect legs/not parallel, gives cos+cos math; at losses from 2xPotential by deflection from apex direction as a simpler, arithmetic, scalar linear progression
But sweat/swig perpendicular at Achille's Heel of cos=0 of Samson angle across is a cos loss, but at more of a multiplying type math(than previous additive) to extrude force.
BUT, capstan math more as a cos+sine expressed in EXPONENTIAL math.
i guess these are more of my 'pivotal ninjas' that so unassumingly can sneak by the eye as so common in plain sight.
In modelling the Muenter, Backhand Turn forces would think would keep and eye on aspects given as in reverse of
Dan (the man)Lehman's Tumble Hitch.
As like Pulley theories must accommodate also Parbuckle as even sometimes better than pulley dragging load, and friction byproduct turned from foe to friend as traction. Better pulley affect without pulley, sling etc.!