It reminds me of the 'ASCii' Bowline courtesy of Mr Dan Lehman.
The middle image has variations - depending on which way the tail segment is positioned.
IMO, the paradigm of the H&G "ASCII BWL" (H&G my source and
inspiration --I forget if this is THAT or similar w/Tail path reversed--,
"ASCII" as Mark describes my describing),
the U-fold grabbing the Tail should be "SS_369'd" --i.e., set TIGHT-snug,
UNlike a BWL's S.Part collar, or an Eskimo BWL's eye-leg collar.
Keep in mind that every single knot has a mirror version ...
Egadz, THIS again!? Keep in mind that a Fig.8 has itself,
mirroring handily with just a rotation of the tied knot.
Note: When people illustrate or publish knots, they usually don't also show the mirror inverse versions... for example, if knot book authors did this, it would double the size of their publication.
And to no good purpose.
BEWARE : : : There have recently appeared on Amazon some
"knots" books --two, i.p., with "Bible" in their bold titles(!)--
that are AI-generated and absolutely terrible. Imagine, a
general knots book with perhaps only 1/3 of listed/named
knots having ANY image?!?!?
Amazon seem happy with this,
and haven't heeded my protests to remove many of the
so-called "reviews" which are beyond the pale bogus in
light of the egregious failings of the book --i.e., things SO
bad that ANYone w/more than 1 brain cell will know it,
NOT a matter of some expert analysis to show as bad!!
By the way, I still don't know with 100% certainty
which version is actually what he was trying to describe (via ASCii code).
As noted above :: the middle one works, but needs that
u-fold drawn tight-snug around the Returning Eye Leg
(noting though that some ropes' firmness makes this
a dubious task); one can go either way in making the
U-fold --swinging wide to avoid a tighter bend, or pulling
tighter for reverse direction,
and placing the Tail as seems best.
Main point :: there is a #1010 nipping loop, pure & simple;
the novelty (from a 1939 un-obvious and likely seldom even
noticed showing) being the Ret.Eye Leg's path *beside* the
nipping-loop opening, over the S.Part, and then into that
loop to secure the eye leg.
.:. really helps to see this alongside Eskimo BWL variations
(I think there's some thinking of "variatioN" (singular not plural)
with the other thing named "Cossack"?.)
Dan isn't known for his camera skills
Oh, got a small prize here & there, even sold a print.
- and in this instance he sent me multiple emails using ASCii code to depict the geometry.
Meanwhile, I kept pulling my hair out and going thinner while trying to reproduce the intended geometry
- while being admonished for each failed attempt 
Language skills are important to have and USE!