Author Topic: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?  (Read 1751 times)


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bight? segment? little piece? line? bit?

i was wondering, and can't find ...
thanks ! ☺


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2023, 01:22:03 AM »
bight? segment? little piece? line? bit?

i was wondering, and can't find ...
thanks ! ☺
I hope some of our seasoned net makers give their take, but "segment" seems like a good descriptor that is commonly used in geometry for such an element.
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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023, 10:23:39 AM »
thanks, mate !

it's a field of knot anatomy, called aknotomy,
and even further specialisation in the area of net knot anatomy

i plan to make a net one day !

i accidentally bought a heap of venetian blind cord,
supplier-customer error,
so i have a lot of stock ☺

(i would like to make a mini hammock,
that sort of thing,
suggestions welcome,
if anyone has the perfect blueprint.)


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2023, 11:48:15 AM »
In a usual rig of 1D runs i consider that part/segment to be a line, like a transferring line of force.
>>Whereby ropes were loaded onto the great ships, but in use were a line type analogy.
Node is a word seen for swells/disruptions in that running line of knot of some kind in the clean run of the line.
Segment is fine, but from tree background;
always looked at that part as the internode in between the nodes/knots in the more 2D fabric of the net (compared to rig or hitch etc.)
Furthermore in playing with this at serval times have internally named the 'segment' to extend to a node going to 3 more segments making a small 'branch'.  This has been mostly an internal dialogue of reference as overseer/inspector watching fingers work the material/rope.
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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2023, 06:55:38 PM »
It occurs to me to look to graph theory for some
terms, as it has vertices & .... "edges" which connect
them.  Hmmm, here's one definition popping up:

An edge is (together with vertices) one of the two basic units
out of which graphs are constructed. Each edge has two (or in hypergraphs, more)
vertices to which it is attached, called its endpoints.
Edges may be directed or undirected;
undirected edges are also called lines and directed edges are also called arcs or arrows.
In an undirected simple graph, an edge may be represented as the set of its vertices,
and in a directed simple graph it may be represented as an ordered pair of its vertices.
An edge that connects vertices x and y is sometimes written xy.

Given this, I'd replace "edge" --which has unwanted connotations, IMO--
with "end" perhaps --esp. as in some of my yet-developing
knots thinking, I have terms "tangle" and "end" :: the first being
the entangled knotty mass ("nub", D.Chisholm might say)
from which emerge however ever many ends there are (and,
e.g., I see end-2-end joints & eye knots as equally 2-tangles,
with 2 pieces of material, each with 2 ends; 4 ends thus emerge
from such a tangle; and a "knot" is that tangle given a loading
profile showin which ends are loaded vs. which other(s).

"span" comes to mind, too.  (With my *tangle* thinking,
ends are an exit from the object only to be assigned loading;
but in your net thinking, those parts are going to/from,
with objects both ways; "span" has more this connotation.

(And, re graph theory, I see netting as UNdirected,
just 2-item (knot) sets w/o specific order.)



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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2023, 07:13:59 AM »
Not being a hammock person, I've always wondered if the knots involved in netting are uncomfortable?  If knotless netting or sprang might be better hammock making techniques?


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2023, 08:57:44 AM »
"span" comes to mind, too.  (With my *tangle* thinking,
ends are an exit from the object only to be assigned loading;
but in your net thinking, those parts are going to/from,
with objects both ways; "span" has more this connotation.

lots of great descriptions,

and igkt top-notchery for info !

thanks  😊


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2023, 09:04:00 AM »
Not being a hammock person, I've always wondered if the knots involved in netting are uncomfortable?  If knotless netting or sprang might be better hammock making techniques?

great point ☺
i just expected pudge would absorb the knots,
didn't think it right through
hmm !

anyway within a day i went off the net ambitions and
investigated the pan chang fish 
... so it's sort of related !
(net, fish)

i have the attention span of -- ooh, shiny ! 


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2023, 09:08:57 AM »
Segment is fine, but from tree background;
always looked at that part as the internode in between the nodes/knots in the more 2D fabric of the net (compared to rig or hitch etc.)
Furthermore in playing with this at serval times have internally named the 'segment' to extend to a node going to 3 more segments making a small 'branch'.  This has been mostly an internal dialogue of reference as overseer/inspector watching fingers work the material/rope.

... i'm getting ... 'internodal branch line'
super-graphics tree kc !


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Re: parts of a net, what's the segment of rope between two knots called ?
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2023, 03:22:02 AM »
Some fish links for you. 8)

thanks, !
well, that is a professional fish tyer,
only used one pin on the u turn !

i've discovered that the pan chang fish is too much a precision job, for me  🙃

