That is really something!
i have taught self to tie w/o looking, even behind back.
>>that actually started as a mental challenge to do so,
but also to show other folks that this is how it would look in their hands as tied behind my back,
instead of them looking at backwards or over the shoulder etc.
But seems just the idea of someone tying something behind their back, while explaining what they are doing; that they can't tie is too overwhelming !
So i exploited that as well then, w/ "...see their is no magic ever to it, my fingers never leave my hands" added, as fingers paced thru DBY made by inverting from (RT)slip knot etc. !
i like DBY for how it works well in my ropes, strong, secure AND very clean , open eye here to connect cleanly to.
i found this vid a long time ago of somewhat less fortunates for just 1 day with joy of rope work; always hit me hard.
To me climbing with rope has kinda been like tethered floating; these folks feel that too i think(w/o the work) .
(i imagine it wasn't for everyone, but they didn't show that part!)