Plotting the cf values against the number of turns for each of the four load values highlighted three anomalies.
i) The two highest loadings of 147 and 99.1 both exhibited near identical reducing trends from 1 turn (0.17 and 0.15 resp) to 0.14 and 0.13 resp for 7 turns.
ii) The 19.9 load measurements all sat roughly 0.04 higher than the 147 and 99.1 traces.
iii) The 52 load test for 1 turn gave an anomalously low cf value (by ca 0.05).
Q1 What could cause the consistently reducing trend of approx 0.02 from 1 turn to 7 turns?
Q2 What could have caused the 19.9 load values to be ca +0.04 across the set of turns?
Q3 Could the single very low value have been caused by misreading the display / load bsing partially caught up / rough part of the bamboo surface ...
I couldn't find a reason to call any of those measurements an outlier and made them all contribute to the 'overall' cf via regression - which I estimated to be 0.15 +/- 0.03 at 95% CI for my setup, perhaps optimistically. Removing one or two values wouldn't make much difference.
An argument can be made that when you look at the scatter of 3-4 observations (the chance that the next observation will be even higher or lower than the min-max of 4 observations is 40% regardless of distribution) that trends are weak, if any, but the cf values calculated from the lowest load may stick out a bit from the rest and that small arc contact angles tend to scatter the observations a little more (but the very Munter hitch uses angles of similar magnitude so that is likely fitting).
I think that the main trouble in trying to measure the single 'best' value of a cf between two materials is that it is unlikely constant. The constant cf friction model is baked into the capstan equation, but it is likely that the cf itself depends at least on how hard the two surfaces are squeezed (normal force) - cf often becomes lower when the load increases significantly. There is also 'bending rigidity' effect that the regular capstan equation doesn't account for. How large those effects may be is debatable but the model equations can be modified to account for them.
This paper more or less summarises the improvements that people were trying to make: ideas but a little impractical. If the bending rigidity and power-law friction were introduced to the model, you would require 4 extra measured parameters further describing your rope-carabiner system as an additional input to the model in an attempt to (probably slightly) improve the accuracy of predictions.
As it is,
The Munter Hitch Model, once calibrated, requires only two parameters (two estimated cf's assumed constant, but a little fuzzy...) to make all the tension reduction predictions - and even those two are not that easy to measure honestly. The net cost of it is that the predictions are also a little fuzzy, but allow you to read what's happening in the Munter hitch well enough, I think. :-)
p.s. Coincidently, the reasonable 'fuzzines' of inputs (cf and contact angles) results in the fuzziness of predicted tensions which is in the similar range as the precision of measuring them in practical setups such as the Munter - i.e. you may not be able to detect improvements to the model too well. So it all seems to fit reasonably well in practice.