Author Topic: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?  (Read 1556 times)


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safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« on: January 21, 2023, 12:36:10 AM »
i really like the idea of cords crafted to be worn around the neck like the 'lanyard' shoelace-sized i.d or access cards

i made one for my friend for her keys,
like a long necklace,
and said not to wear it near any moving machinery,
that sort of thing.

what's the safety mechanism in the commercial necklaces?
(i'm mini-averse to the term lanyard being applied to the shoelace necklaces.
(isn't it the cord in running around arm to pocket, in a military uniform?))

need a point of failure, or something, that's aesthetic,
in the event that the cord gets caught up,
so that it 'breaks' and the person wearing it doesn't get dragged into harm

then i'm conflicted about putting a weak point in cord,
as the main feature of cords it that they're freakishly strong,
seems a crime to put any weak point in it

i hope there's some options ! ☺


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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2023, 09:40:22 AM »
This topic has come up before

Here's an excerpt from a thing with an option I researched

Also, there are lots of products: clasps and such for lanyards like


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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2023, 02:07:22 AM »
i really like the idea of cords crafted to be worn around the neck like the 'lanyard' shoelace-sized i.d or access cards

i made one for my friend for her keys,
like a long necklace,
and said not to wear it near any moving machinery,
that sort of thing.

what's the safety mechanism in the commercial necklaces?
(i'm mini-averse to the term lanyard being applied to the shoelace necklaces.
(isn't it the cord in running around arm to pocket, in a military uniform?))

need a point of failure, or something, that's aesthetic,
in the event that the cord gets caught up,
so that it 'breaks' and the person wearing it doesn't get dragged into harm

then i'm conflicted about putting a weak point in cord,
as the main feature of cords it that they're freakishly strong,
seems a crime to put any weak point in it

i hope there's some options ! ☺
You can try using small-diameter leather cord from craft shops.  It's naturally weak (compared to synthetic fibers) and can be used for the entire necklace without any extra breakaway device.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 02:09:16 AM by roo »
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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2023, 05:16:25 AM »
after reading the 2011 topic that's older than my bottle of tabasco sauce,
i might ... somehow ... try the clothing tag barbs that i have ☺ 
the half inch long opaque white barbs that are dispensed with a tagging puncher.
(i'm averse to the use of the word 'gun' for things that don't explode)

good points and discussion, people !


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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2023, 04:48:22 PM »
The thing I don't care for with the commercially available "breakaway" joins is the bulk that will be noticeable and feel-able against the neck. They are unsightly on some works as well.

For a few family members, I have used paracord, mini paracord and other cords that are constructed with a sheath and core to make the lanyard/necklace by removing a small amount of the core on one and inserting the other end within. Then sewing a weak thread to maintain the connection. Those have held up well, even with the children's' horsing around.
Here is a vid link to help visualize.
Melting and forming the ends with very low heat helps. BTW, some cords just don't melt...   The amount of stitching is up to you.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 05:08:31 PM by SS369 »


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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2023, 05:33:55 AM »
oh! nice and tidy,
i'm liking it ...


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Re: safety knot in lanyards / necklace - ?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2024, 11:31:05 PM »
i still haven't made bracelets and neck lanyards for this same issue,
but have put a little more thought to it,
haven't tested anything,
went down the mental road of magnet clasps,
they are awesome but still not quite fitting the scenario,
they just aren't quite suitable,

and then i went down the crocodile clip road,
and now thinking simple paper clip,
one bend of it taken out to make an elongated c-shape (as though a staple shape, in place),
which is simple and flat and far less pricey, a range of colours and sizes,
now just have to work out how to affix the cord ends

still lacking an elegant finish.
could put a curl on the ends of the clip...

