Author Topic: world's youngest knot tyer (knotting matters 161)  (Read 1033 times)


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Re: world's youngest knot tyer (knotting matters 161)
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2024, 11:43:38 PM »
that's something else!

i tried posting the text along with link but it wouldn't

i also wanted to comment,
doctor: "knots in the umbilical cord can cause serious complications because they cut off a baby's oxygen supply"
doctor: *clamps cord before it's fully drained*

in the rush to clear afterbirth material, there's deprivation of nutrients to the newborn when the cord is cut before the blood in the cord empties itself to the baby.
it used to be thrown out but nowadays used for medical production,
but this is criminal and it should go to the baby.
allowing the cord to empty is called 'delayed cord clamping' but should be called, i dunno, 'completed cord transfer',
i have read that with completed transfer of cord blood,
the cord just abscises naturally and cleanly


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Re: world's youngest knot tyer (knotting matters 161)
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2024, 11:46:09 PM »
i know of twins where one's cord was wrapped around the other's neck,
but they survived