This is a pretty neat idea:
I think what he's tying is the Nillson variant of the Anchor bend (#1843).
Then in this video he figured another variant that is supposed to jam less:
Hmm, he's tying TWO knots --what you cite from Ashley,
and then something else (better for larger objects : for pile
vs. spar/ring hitching). Interesting that at least one break
seems to come well away from the yellow tied-to post &
hitch (from the pulling hitch, perhaps --and not pure rope
unknotted breaking (!!)).
As for tying to the ball, I recall reading about this being
a bad idea :: and where in some pulling of a stuck off-road
vehicle by another, with some heavy-duty webbing, there
was the BANG of rupture, then the cessation of the pulling
vehicle's enging, newly with ripped-off ball embedded in
its engine block !!! (Yes, one remembers things like this!)