Fireman's pole thickness may disperse frictions enough for more workable as is, climb/inchworm rope laced try arcs in legs and arms and slide down .
More normal thinner lines:
2x drop length rope could make seat in end, go around strong round anchor and back to self, several times with control leg around load leg for more frictions
or even without extra frictions if simply lower self with control leg only get half your weight to control back as a potential, and the support friction reduces that this direction on loaded axis.
or have long tail from seat reach over from load to control leg in a Pro-Grip and can slide/rest at will.
Unlike single rope friction Hitch clamping hard under load, the hitch here can be made to slide as can unload hitch when do so as load leg temp holds load as hitch slides on control leg. Pulling hand over hand above hitch on control leg gives 2/1 over self but the add back support frictions against efforts this direction on load axis(increasing work some but decreased work coming down). DO NOT reach over to friction hitch with same diameter and pull on both ends of a friction hitch, maintain single leg Friction Hitch input like Taut line, ProhGrip, open but not closed Prussic of both ends pulled. ref. ABoK lessons 480/481 for tree climbing setup.
Doubled length gives retrievable setup to go another 5 if needed if safe haven found/made between.
But, then there is olds-cool body wrap that forms changing/not fixed support at climber as load point.

In Kung-Fu tv series I believe was even shown barefoot down mountain side. Thicker clothes disperse contact stress and thermal insulation from frictions.
Arcs are largest key to rope forces and conversions, linears are just simplest extensions in rope force logistics.
To me much of our study beyond making etc. is simply rope force principles inside microcosm of knot.
Rigs/systems of rope are just larger view of logically same defining principle set.
Then as climber like this get inside the feel of the usual microcosm itself to know frictions real hot, rope after each arc/frictions as tension reduced are softer etc. i think, at least for me.